Potter and Black froze, staring at Severus in a confused manner, until they looked at each other and grinned like mad men, sprinting towards Severus, who immediately turned around and ran!

Sirius didn't know when Snivellus got so fast, before the summer break he and Prongs could easily have caught up with him, but now he's dodging and running around the halls like a nimble thief, he can't begin to count the amount of feints that snake fooled them with. Damn!

They finally forced him into a corner, he was panting hard, his cheeks flushed red and his forehead covered in a layer of sweat, his now shortened hair framing his face and slightly clinging unto his neck. Sirius knocked himself out of it, he can't be checking out that git! 

"Out of breath aren't ya Snivellus?" Sirius cackled as he panted as well, distracting himself from the boys face.

Snivellus ignored him, still catching his breath.

"I think it's time we have some fun Padfoot, don't you?" James asked, grinning at his companion whilst pulling out his wand.

"I think so too," He replied, mirroring James.

The simultaneously cast a leg lock jinx, side stepping for some flare! Snivellus obviously was in no shape to counter, the snake was too busy trying to breathe. Ha! That's what he gets for trying to outrun the two star players of the best quidditch team!

Snivellus looked up the moment the spell was cast, his eyes became saucers and he hastily flicked his wrist, causing the spell to deflect.

Sirius and Prongs froze, they did not struggle to believe that Snivellus could counter their attack, no that would not have been a problem. If only he used his wand! The snake used his hand! How did that even come to be? Wandless magic is no small feat.

Rage quickly came over Sirius, how dare this slimy git perform wandless magic on them, its probably some dark spell! There was no way that a snake like that could out best him.

He quickly made his way towards him, the boy in question was still observing his hand, with his lips trembling in disbelief.

"Tell me what the hell you just did right now!" Sirius roared, causing the boy to tense.

"Let go of me Black." He refuted instead.

"Oh, and what if I don't? Will you go crying to the pure-blood witch that's made you her whore?" Sirius sneered.

The boy he had pulled by the collar stared at him in disbelief, even Prongs had his jaw dropped.

"What, you think we'd be so dumb not to see the truth? How can you explain all the sudden changes, huh?"

Snivellus' face hardened, he gripped the hand that was pulling at his collar with a force that Sirius did not know he was capable of.

He threw Sirius off of him, and sneered, "Black, that's really a new low, oh wait, I almost forgot, there's never a new low for you is there, I should've learnt that last year."

He smoothly spun and rushed away from them, not before aiming a painful stinging hex at him though.


"You said what?" Moony screamed out, flinging a pillow at Padfoot and Prongs, who sat on the bed opposite to him.

"Hey! What are you hitting me for? I didn't do anything!" Prongs exclaimed.

"Didn't do anything? You both decided to chase him or else this wouldn't have happened." Moony retorted.

They both looked down at their feet in annoyed defeat, Peter, who was a mere spectator was baffled. Since when did these two give up so easily? Usually they always act stubborn and heavily disagree with Moony, particularly if it was about Snivellus. What's so different this time?

"I'll get him next time," Padfoot said, rubbing his face. Ah, there is the stubbornness Peter was waiting for! 

"Oh no you won't," Moony replied, then continued, "You're going to apologise to him tomorrow."

Padfoot and Prongs spluttered, Peter also stared at him in shock. He knew that Moony always disapproved of their behaviour, but he never really did anything about it. He always cast a blind eye at their misdeeds. Maybe let them off the hook after scolding them a little. That was it. This was the first time he resolutely demanded they apologise to Snivellus.

Padfoot narrowed his eyes at him, "No Moony, that'll never happen, I'll never apologise to that slimy snake."

"Yes. You. Are." Moony confirmed, staring at the two culprits with a fire the other boys witnessed for the first time.

"Over my dead body will I ever apologise to that git! What's wrong with you? Why are you on his side anyway? You're our friend!" Padfoot said, standing up.

Moony also stood up.

"What did he do to deserve what you said and did? When did he ever do anything to deserve what we've done? We're the ones to always provoke him. Every. Single. Time. I'm sick and tired of it. I almost killed him Sirius, don't you get it? He's afraid of me, although he doesn't show it, you don't seem to understand the guilt I have. He tenses up whenever I'm near him. You know what makes it worse? Knowing you led him to me, when he and I were both extremely vulnerable. Tell me Sirius, if he did kill me that night would you hold him accountable? Would you blame him for killing me, because frankly, I wouldn't. I'm on his side as I should've been from the beginning, I've been lacking as a friend. A real friend wouldn't have let this get as far as it has." Remus countered, trembling towards the end of his speech, tears shining in his eyes.

Everybody in the room stared at him in astonishment, Padfoot opening and closing his mouth like a fish. Moony stormed out of the room and shut the door with a bang. Leaving very confused boys in his midst. 

Authors Note: I'm sorry... but I hope you like the chapter. Remember to stay safe, vote and comment, I honestly think they're what keep me going with this story, also, thank you guys for the reads! I'm so shocked that this many people have read this book.

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