"Is that- is that all? I gotta get to bed."

"You gotta get up at eight to get ready and be over there by half past."

"I'll- I'll see you in the lobby, 'kay?" Riley doesn't wait for a respond as he starts closing the door.

Riley saunters back toward the bed and stops.

"What're you gonna do, Riley Green?" Lina asks, leaning up on her elbows as she looks up at him from the bed. He grins at her as she motions for him to come closer, getting up on her knees.

Once he's close enough, she starts undoing the snaps of his shirt, pushing the fabric down his strong arms before tugging on his stupid belt.

"Lina." He whispers, his lips brushing against her cheek as she leans up.

"I love you." She breathes, the pads of her fingers trailing down his insanely toned torso. "So much."

"I love you too." He responds, kissing her jaw and temple with a hand loosely wrapped around her throat.


Lina's sitting on the other side of the glass while Riley's at a table with a pair of headphones on and a microphone in his face.

He looks exhausted and that's his own damn fault. Lina doesn't feel bad one bit.

That's a lie.

If she would've just elbowed him away, he could've gotten some solid sleep.

She takes a sip from the coffee cup in front of her to hide a yawn she catches from Riley. She rolls her eyes at the look he shoots her.

The host, Lina didn't catch her name, starts asking him all these questions about the tour, his album and his songs, even tossing in a few flirty comments about his body.

Riley blushes slightly at her words and she notices.

It's not her words that's getting him red, it's how anxious he's starting to feel.

He doesn't really like that kind of attention from strangers but thats what happens when you become somewhat of a celebrity.

"So, Riley, are you seeing anyone? Because I think your female fan base needs to know." She says as she plays with the ends of her brown hair.

"Uh, I am." He says as he adjusts how he's sitting. "Been with my girlfriend since high school."

They both know he's exaggerating but it's easier to say that instead of adding more fuel to her nosy questions.

Her smile falls. "How come we never hear about her?" She's getting a little upset and invasive now.

"Uh," He looks over at the glass dividing the two rooms, his tired eyes landing on Lina. "Because I don't live my life on social media." He clears his throat. "I- I use my platforms- I try to use my platforms for business; my music career and stuff. I like to keep my private life private."

"Does your high school sweetheart have social media?"

"Uh, no, she doesn't." He says, his stomach twisting and his heart pounding.

"I find that hard to believe." She snorts. "Everyone's on something."

Riley licks his lips. "Can we get back to my music, please ma'am?"

She attempts to hide an eyeroll but it's noticeable and it makes Riley's pounding heart sink.

"Tour, blah blah blah. New music, who gives a shit..."

Riley feels his anxieties melt into pure anger.

"Girlfriend, won't talk about it." She mutters to herself.

Riley's hands turn into fists and he drops them to his lap under the table.

How dare this girl invite him here to talk about his music when she doesn't even want to talk to him about it!

"I- I think we're done here." He says, standing.

"We still have twenty seven minutes left." She whines back, pointing at the clock on the wall.

He doesn't say anything as he takes his headphones off and politely hangs them up on the mic neck.

Riley ducks his head as he exits the booth, silently leaving the room.

Lina thanks the sound guy she's been making small talk with for his time and follows him out.

"Ri." She calls after him, following him outside.

"Riley, look at me." She grasps his jaw and tilts his head. "You okay?"

"I wasted half an hour of my day off with someone who doesn't care about what I do." He states. "She was so rude, Lina."

"I know, baby." She whispers, moving her touch to his shoulders. "How can I help you?"

Riley drops his head as he looks down at his boots. He opens his mouth but then shuts it and shrugs.

Lina sighs and gives his biceps a squeeze. "Let's go for a walk, okay?"

Riley nods and takes her hand, starting down the sidewalk of Jacksonville.

Hard To Leave - Riley GreenWhere stories live. Discover now