Part 4

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Later after having some food the three of them went back to the mansion and back to the balcony where the door with the diamond was but as they got to it and unlocked it lightning struck the mansion and the lights went out professor E-gad then called and said "you guy I think the lightning must have caused a blackout beware the ghosts will be all over the place in this darkness".

they quickly went threw and found a telephone room where one of the phones was ringing Rory answered the one on the phone the said may I ask who is speaking please"?

"Its Aurora".

"Oh Princess Aurora I'm glad its you I don't know what I would do if a ghost answered Its us the squires but we ran out went power went out all 4 of us are terrified of the dark luckily we found a nearby pay phone how are you going to get the lights back on although now that I think of it I do remember seeing a large breaker switch somewhere in the basement".

Then she hung up and anther phone started ringing Rory then answered it and "oh sorry to surprise you its me professor E-gad I know I usually contact you with the headset but I thought I would try this phone since your in the room you see all ghosts avoid light and hide in the dark but there's one ghost who fled from the gallery who only hides in the darkest places his name is Grimmly now may be your only chance to capture him try looking for him before you get the lights back on also he seems to prefer rooms with cloths and a mirror uh oh look out the ghosts are closing in on your position be careful" then hung up as ghosts appeared.

They quickly captured the ghosts and then started to fight there way to the wardrobe room where Aurora realized the ghost is when they got to him Rory stunned him and Sam captured him then a key appeared which Rory picked up and they went to the basement were the key unlocked the door and they found the breaker switch and turned the power back on then a key appeared and it opened the door across from the one they just went through they captured the boo and went to the next room bet the ghosts and captured anther boo and got anther key but it was for the attic so they went back up to the telephone room and the key opened the door to the next room were there were ghost that looked like wined up toy solders that started to attack they were captured then doors that were behind one of them opened revealing some kind of elevator they got on and it took them to the roof where they encountered many ghosts but they were captured and a key appeared Aurora then said "now what" then looked over at a chimney then said "hey over there" as she lead them they climbed up they fell down there once down Rory said "hey look" the room was full of gold and gems which they emptied into Rory's bag.

Ally then said "this must be the boarded room on the second floor". 

Then Aurora said "yes it must be now to get out" but one ghost then appeared but was captured quickly and a key appeared which Rory picked up then used a rainbow fist spell at the door and it broke open then they found one of the keys opened the door to the room across from that one they went in captured the ghosts lights came on and they captured the boo then they when into the next room but it was upside down and there was a little girl ghost on the bed sleeping Rory then got an idea she used the water gun spell and the girl got up and they captured her then anther key appeared and they captured the boo then they when back to the attic and into anther room with the key they had and opened into a room full of armor where they captured the ghosts and then the boo then they went into the next room which was full of jars then a ghost came out of on of the jars and attacked but they captured him.

Then the next key was for the basement they went down there and it opened the door to a pipe room they beat the ghosts got the key and captured the boo then the key was for the next room over which was a cold storage room and there was a ghost in a bock of ice Rory then lit fires around it and it started to attack Aurora used the flame thrower spell to melt the ice block then Ally captured him then a key appeared which was for the only locked door left in the attic they went up there and found a ghost painter painting ghost paintings he said "you know every artist strives to give life to there paintings but I can do it with ease" as he waved his brush ghosts then appeared from the paintings they were quickly captured and then the artist attacked but they captured him then a key that looks like a spade appeared from the last painting Rory picked it up and then they captured the last boo.

Then Professor E-gad called and said "well done looks like all that's left is king boo you should go get him now and save the noble's kids".

Aurora then said "yes but first I have to do something" they went to the foyer and she said to the Squire boy "I need you to go get the other squires and get out of the mansion okay".

The Squire boy then said "okay".

Then they went down to the basement and into the room with king boo and the noble's kids and king boo said "so you made it this far but you won't beat me soon I will have a princess Aurora portrait to add to my collection get ready for battle you three" then the ten portraits were replaced with one of Toffy and the three of them were sucked inside it with king boo.

The next thing they new they were on anther spiritual plain and there was a giant form of Toffy who then threw a spiked ball at them but Rory then caught it in her magic and throw it back knocking its head off and then king boo flew out Ally tried to catch him but he broke free and flew back then Rory knocked the head off again and king boo came back out this time Sam tried to catch him but he broke free again and flew back but this time it put its head on backwards and ran around for a minute before turning it around right then Aurora knocked his head off one more time and Ally sucked him into her poltergust then they were back in the room and E-gad called and said "well done and look at that the nobles kids have all fallen asleep you had best get there portraits back to the lab".

Aurora then pointed her wand at the portraits and said "levitato" and they started floating and they brought them back to the lab.

When they got there Professor E-gad said "this night was crazy you won't believe it but that mansion seems to have disappeared into the night but the treasure you collected seems all to real you three keep it I have no need for it now the noble's kids are important but we better deal with these last few ghosts" Sam and Ally then plugged there poltergusts into the slots and the ghosts went into the machine then came out on frames they were hammered zapped and pressed "we have turned these ghost back into portraits well done" a few minutes later they had the nobles kids go threw the machine backwards then they all came out the slots. 

Then there was a knock at the door Professor E-gad then answered and said "oh my queen Star King Marco what brings you two to my home"?

Queen star then said "I have a strange feeling and Omnitraxus detected a lot of disturbance in this area".

Professor E-gad then said "well please come in and we can discuss it".

Later Star and Marco were up to speed with what had happened and Marco said "so Aurora you along with Sam and Ally captured a mansion full of ghosts then after they were gone the mansion disappeared".

Aurora then said "um yes".

Star then said "well you know I would be mad of how you went into the forest of certain death without a guide but right now I'm to proud to be mad" as she hugged Rory.

Aurora then hugged back and said "thanks mom". 

A few months later using the Treasure the three had collected Queen star built A mansion for professor E-gad to thank him.


Aurora Butterfly and the Hunted MansionWhere stories live. Discover now