ғᴏᴜʀ : ᴛᴏᴏ ʜʏᴘᴇʀ

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M/n watched Gojo and Sukuna "spar" by the the sidelines with a heavily wounded Megumi. He cut a piece of the strawberry shortcake and stabbed it gently with his fork, attempting to feed Megumi by putting the piece of cake in front of his lips.

The other teen sighed in defeat, deciding to open his mouth. He chewed slowly, noting the label on top of the container so he could go to the shop after he recovered--admittedly, the cake was perfect and it was even to M/n's taste.

He praised Gojo for his choice inwardly. No way in hell was he going to say that to his face though.

M/n leaned on Megumi's shoulder, deciding to doze off instead of listening to Gojo and Yuuji's conversation, making sure to run his cursed technique through Megumi's body to ensure that it would heal at a faster rate than normal before passing out.


M/n slowly sat up from his bed, rubbing his eyes groggily. "HEUSC, what time is it" he mumbled under his breath, waiting for the butler to respond. "It is currently 8:06 am, good morning" the butler greeted.

M/n stretched, raising his arms up and twisting his upper body, he waited until he heard the satisfying "pop" sound before he stopped stretching.

He walked out of his room on campus, quickly taking a bath and rushing to his room to change.

He wore one of his uniforms, similar to the one he wore last night.

Grabbing a pre-packed backpack he ran out and looked for the second years.

His gold eyes sparkled as he spotted a panda on the other side of the gate. He ran, jumping over the fence and landed crouched down on the ground on his feet.

"Ohayo~" He greeted joyfully as he stood up from his position and grinned up at Maki.

Panda smiled and waved at the first year, "Good morning" "Morning" "Konbu", the second years greeted back.

"Before you continue, drink your medicine first" Maki stopped the teen, handing him a bottle of water and a bottle of modafinil tablets she keeps on hand.

He sighed, sagging slightly before taking a pill and swallowing it with the water.

"Anyways, let's go on a mission or go somewhere fun" The gold eyed teen exclaimed.

"I can't really go out kid" Panda explained as the other two second years nodded,

"Then, can we have a picnic instead?" The boy asked, whipping out his secret weapon, puppy eyes.

Inumaki inwardly cooed, Maki huffed in fake exasperation, and Panda started pinching the boy's cheeks.

In the end, Inumaki ended up accompanying M/n to the cafe he loved. 

The dark blue haired teen pulled the older teen with him, humming happily as they walked to the cafe.

A bell rung as the hyper teen pushed the door open, waving joyfully at the cafe owner. "Good morning everyone" he greeted, skipping to the counter with Inumaki following from behind him.

M/n's eyes sparkled as he eyed the pastries in the display case, he turned to the cafe owner with a serious face. "I want everything in the case".

Everyone in the cafe stared at him with a bewildered expression, 'how can such a small kid want that many sweets in the morning?'

Inumaki tapped M/n's shoulder as he moved in to whisper to the shorter teen, "Are you sure you an eat that many sweets when you haven't even eaten breakfast yet?" his brown eyes narrowing as he stared his junior down.

M/n shivered slightly and averted his gaze so he wouldn't have to stare into the older teen's sharp eyes.

"I wanna give gumi and gojo-sensei some too" his voice a bit whiny as he pouted, pulling on Inumaki's sleeve.

Inumaki sighed, he pointed to a box of assorted macaroons, and a small box of strawberry cheesecake, handing the owner a list of the drinks they wanted along with his credit card--he had to stop M/n from paying since the other teen always paid even though they had money too.

M/n smiled sheepishly, "We'll be back to pick up our order in less than twenty minutes" waving as he allowed Inumaki to drag--well, more like carry him outside.

Inumaki buried half his face into M/n's shoulder, taking in his scent. 'You always smell so nice, it's unfair, I like you too much you brat' the white haired teen thought.

Toge knew his feelings would only continue to grow for the boy, he didn't really mind but naturally, he wanted to boy to be his, he's loved him ever since the boy befriended him years ago.

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almost fell off a bridge today while running to a dental clinic for my appointment, anyways, how are you guys doing today?

sorry for not updating, i've been busy with school

also, Inumaki was the first one to develop feelings for M/n

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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