Bloody Path, Bloody Past

Start from the beginning

Stain: "So, why did the latest addition to the criminal underworld want to have a meeting with me?"

Shigeraki: "Simple, I would like for you to join us. You will be useful for our plans." She said, lacking any manners or care for Stain's pride.

Stain: "And what exactly are your plans?" She said, a bit angered, but tried to keep her cool.

Shigeraki: "Well, we have two goals now... The first is simple. Kill All Might." She says without much care, as this caught Stain off guard.

Stain: "And the second?" She says, on guard even more than before, thinking about what to do next. "Also, we? For all I see, there is only you, the mist and whoever is behind that screen."

Shigeraki: "Don;t forget about Mind Break, he is also part of us."

Stain: "A male? A villain?! Don't joke with me!" She said with anger, feeling she is being played. "We all know males are nothing but fucktoys! Yet you say that your own slut of a male is acually par5t of your villain group?! If this is some sort of a joke, I am not laughting."

That statment angered Shigeraki, as well as All For One and Kurogiri. While Shigeraki looked at Stain with anger, Kurogiri looled over at (Y/N) as she wasn't sire what his reaction wouldbe, but was surprised to see that he didn't react at all, as he just kept looking at the news that were still speaking about Stain. As Kurogiri looked back to Shigeraki and Stain, she wasn't able to rest her mind as she was prepared for anything.

Shigeraki: "I'd appreacheate it if you would refrain from calling him that, he is a valuable and appritiated part of the league."

Stain: "Is that so? And what exactly is he giving, Plessure? A male has nothing to give us women besides his body for our plessure."

Shigeraki: "More than you would know... Besides, he is connected to our second goal."

Stain: "And pray tell me, what may that goal be?"

Shigerki: "A society in which males can live equaly to females." 

Silence. That was what she recived from the hero killer as the two looked at one another. It didn;t take long, however, for Stain to jump into action as she stabbed Shigeraki's arm into the floor, as she pointed another knife into her throat, as well as quickly cutting Kurogiri and somehow not allowing her to move. She tried to send a knife twords (Y/N)'s head, only for her to be surprised when he caught it between two fingers without even looking. She didn;t bother to stay surprised as she spoke to Shigeraki with melice.

Stain: "Killing All Might already is a dream you must have a plan for, yet you clealy llack that, and even then it would result in failure. Add on that second goal of yours, who would even support that?! A world where males can live equally is nothing but a fairytale spoken between those sex toys of ours whenever they aren;t being used as a wau for them to believe someone would acually care for them! It is a dream that will never come true!" She yelled. "And speaking of males, yours clearly isn't well taught. He should've appreaciated the fact I even bothered ttrying to kill him, and let the knife impale his usless head like a good slut. I wouldn;t ,mind reeducating him, but I think it will be better to just rid him of this world."

That angered Shigeraki, as not only was the hero killer pinning her to the ground, injuring the arm that just healed from the battle before, but she also made fun of her plan and thretaned the one she saw as her own little brother. However, when she looked over at said male, she saw how he still didn't react, the knife that was thrown at him already on the table next to him as he looked on the television once more. With a sigh, she spoke with surprising calmness, but anger was still hinted in her voice.

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