The Outrider's Affection

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It had been some time since Amber had seen Aether. She'd heard no shortage of stories of his great acts of valor and bravery. She'd witnessed firsthand how he'd dealt with Stormterror, Dvalin of the Four Winds. She's heard of his exploits into Liyue, defending their harbor against the ancient god of the vortex Osail. He even gained entrance to the nation of Inazuma, which in and of itself was a great feat, which was only to be overshadowed by him defeating his second Fatui Harbinger, facing off against the Eletro Archon, the Raiden Shogun, and ending the Vision Hunt decree that claimed the visions of so many of its people. He truly was fantastic, a hero so great you'd think he came from the pages of a fairy tale, another world. The more she thought about him, what he was doing, all that he had accomplished since his recent arrival in Teyvat, she was beyond stunned. She was amazing and in awe, completely enthralled and filled with admiration of all that he was capable of doing. Compared to what she has achieved, simply clearing out Hilichurl camps, stopping the occasional Treasure Hoarder that came by and helping Margret find her lost cat, he was leagues away. She was nothing but a baby bird in a nest, dreaming to soar like an eagle would. She wondered what he was up to at the time. If he was okay, if he was eating all right, what he must have been facing at that very moment. These were the thoughts that went through the young outrider's head as she sat before the acting grandmaster.

"...and that's what I need from you for the rest of this weekend. Did you get all of that Amber? Amber? Are you even listening to me?" Jean looked up from the mass of reports before her, staring at the bunny themed knight with a slightly annoyed air to her.

"Ahhh...sorry Jean, I just, I was just lost in thought about...about something. I'll listen properly this time I promise." Jean sighed at what she heard. She knew what was occupying the young girl's mind, it was written all over her face. She too was worried about the Honorary Knight, concerned with all the commotion she'd heard surrounding his name. It seemed trouble and strife seemed to follow him like his own shadow, and that the world's most chaotic event always seemed to have him at its core. Why did Celestia chose to have so much revolve around the one from another world. She wasn't sure yet, but from what she's seen, he'd be one to change the very fate and fabric of Teyvat.

"You worry about him a lot, don't you?" Jean asked, setting aside her papers, and looking the young girl in the eyes intently. The question made Amber tense up, its suddenness catching her off guard.

"W-well I mean...of course I would be concerned about his wellbeing. He's the honorary knight. But he's really strong, stronger than anyone I've ever met...not to say that you're not just as strong yourself acting grandmaster." Jean smirked and chucked to herself.

"Even I must admit that that young man is beyond extraordinary. If he'd applied to the Knights of Favonius and been around when I was to be selected to be acting grandmaster, surely you'd be speaking to him now and not myself." Amber was taken aback by that statement. She of course knew firsthand how capable Aether was, and she knew how hard Jean worked as the acting grandmaster. She rarely gave up any of her duties or asked anyone to help her because it was her responsibility and she knew she was best cut out for the job. But to hear her say that Aether would most likely have been chosen instead of her, that was unexpected to the young outrider.

"But I...I can't help but feel so useless compared to him. He's amazing. There's nothing I could do to help someone like him. There's nothing I could offer someone as strong as him that would be of any value. He doesn't need anything or anyone. That's just the kind of person he is. It's what I admire so much about him. His valor, his skill, his bravery. He's..." Amber looked down as she played with her thumbs in her lap. The weight of all she had said, laying her feelings to bear for Jean to hear, it all came down on her at once. She felt burdened and pulled down by her own thoughts and she felt as though she was beginning to spiral out of control at the rate she was going. But Jean stopped her before she could go any further, pulling her up and out of her growing despair.

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