Some old idea of mine, but upgraded

Start from the beginning

It was winter, I believe, me and Sero were hanging out in his family's cabin, just the two of us, we were drinking some wine his family had there, Sero said they wouldn't mind, and I believe I never found out if they did, story for a different time. We were drinking and I guess we got too comfortable with each other, and honestly and don't think I can recall who did it first, but at some point we kissed, like I said, can't remember who went for it first, it just happened and since we were both a bit, maybe more, tipsy, we somehow ended in bed, doing stuff. It was the next morning that everything clicked in my brain, we agreed to call it a drunken moment and pretend it never happened. But few weeks passed by and we did it again, I could probably blame my need for affection and the lack of it I've been getting from my husband, I mean it still doesn't exuse my actions, but hey I used to have a crush on my best friend back in highschool, so maybe those feelings came back at some point. For some reason it felt right, even if I knew It's wrong, and keeping it from Toshi should be hard for me, but I didn't even feel bad about it, which scared me the most, that I felt no guilt for doing this, let alone keeping it from him, it seemed so easy to do. But of course secrets can't last forever, can they? It would be way too easy if they did. One time I was over at Sero's family's cabin, we were doing typical friend stuff, like baking cupcakes while listening to Taylor Swift and at some point Sero confessed he liked me for a while now, exactly he said "I've been meaning to tell you this since we were at UA, but when I finally picked all my courage to say it, Shinsou did it first. Back at your wedding I was so close to yelling 'I object' but I didn't, maybe I was too scared to lose you completely if I did, I dunno, I never thought of the possibility of you liking me back, I guess. What I'm trying to say is, I really, really like you" with that he looked into my eyes and I guess I wasn't thinking because I blurted out "We could have been dating since high school" and somehow told him how I had a huge crush on him, but then the whole thing with Hitoshi happened and how I thought Sero liked someone else and could never like me. You can imagine how it ended.

It feels like years since I woke up in Sero's bed and he brought me coffee with a soft "Love you". We cuddled for a while, then I went back home, cleaned the house, made lunch and watched TV. At some point Hitoshi came back and we greeted, and curled up on a couch, finally I got some affection from him as well. It would be fine if Sero didn't leave any hickeys, but of course he did and of course Hitoshi noticed, so we got into a fight. It feels so long ago, while it only was today.. well yesterday, what time is it even? I've been driving away since Hitoshi told me to get out of his house, even if I payed for half the apartment. I was crying, a lot but at this point no tears came out anymore, I'm just so tired. It's not too much after midnight, and I don't even know where I want to go, I can't go to any of my friends, they would be mad about what I did, and I can't go to Sero either, I'm sure if I went to him, everything would be even worse, at this point I don't even know where am I or where I'm going. I guess I'll know when I get there, it's not much people out here, why would they be? In the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night, everyone has better places to be right now, only idiots drive in swan is this? Probably. Just me and... oh, hey another car behind me, wonder where this person's going so fast... Wait dude, we won't fit both on this rode! If you don't slow tf down right now-

changing to Uraraka's pov (because I wanna write it so bad)

It was late, I supposed around ten pm, I was just feeding our cats as the phone started ringing, who on Earth can be calling so late? is what I thought to myself as my bootiful wifey picked it up with a smile that faded withing seconds as she listened to the other person speak before saying "No, I haven't seen him since like a week ago, we'll be right there, tho" then she hung up and told me there was an emergency, so we quickly changed into our hero suits. On the was she explained everything, that Kaminari and Shinsou had a fight and now Shinsou can't find Kami anywhere, and he left his phone home.

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