Exercising - Your Worst Enemy.

Start from the beginning

Upon reaching the door, you gave Tanjirou the honors of slamming the door open. You leaned on the doorframe, trying to keep yourself upright.

Tanjirou breathed out before collapsing, "W-We.. we have.. returned..!" You wiped a small cut on your cheek, "Take.. that!" You pointed a shaking finger at Urokodaki, "You tried to kill us! But guess who's alive, huh!?"

The exhaustion had gotten to you, so you began to cackle, "Y-YOU WON'T KILL ME.." You pointed a thumb at your chest, "..OLD MAN! NOT TODAAYYY!! GWUAHAH.. hahah.. ha—"

You weren't able to finish your boasting before you had joined Tanjirou on the floor.

Urokodaki sweatdropped as he stared at both of your limp and unconscious bodies. Even though neither of you could hear him, he spoke in his low, gruff voice.

"(Y/N), (L/N). Tanjirou Kamado. I now accept both of you, as one of my students."


You had hesitantly cracked open your eyes upon feeling a cool breeze against your cheeks.

Out of all the things you expected to be met with, it was sure not a collection of stars illuminating a dark abyss.

You looked downwards, soon realizing that you were standing. But, the only thing, was that you were standing on water.

You slightly widened your eyes as you began to perform a little hop, "Wh- huh..?" As you landed back on the ground, you felt some of the cold water splash against your ankles. You let out a small yelp, not expecting the water to be frigid.

After countless moments of confusion, you had landed on the one and only explanation: that you must've been dreaming.

You decided to aimlessly walk around in the abyss, swinging your arms and clicking your tongue as you did so.

Minutes passed, and you, who had gotten tired of the silence, called out while cupping your mouth, "Hellllooooo?? Anybody hoooommmeee?"

Expectedly, you were met with silence.

The only sound that your ears picked up on were the clicking and clacking of your footsteps.

Once you had given up on finding anything within the abyss, a woman's voice echoed throughout the starry void, "You're going to have to speak Japanese so I can understand you, (Y/N)."

You flinched as you let out a yelp of surprise at the sudden voice, "EEK!" You instantly snapped your head towards the sound, inwardly quirking a brow, 'Just how does this person know my name?!'

Upon turning around, you were met with a tall and slender woman whom had soft, but focused violet eyes along with long and soft black wavy hair.

Her figure wore an official demon slayer outfit along with a dark purple haori covered in bright yellow constellations. Your eyes then drifted towards the nichirin sword she bared around her waist.

There was only one thing you knew for sure, and it was that she was a demon slayer.

You fiddled with your fingers nervously, clearing your throat and speaking up, "Er.. hey? Who- who are you?"

The woman chuckled lightly into her fist, "That, I cannot say. I've brought you here for a reason (Y/N), so please, hear me out."

You rubbed your cheek with your finger, "You sure you got the right person? I mean.. there could be another (Y/N) out there.. heh.." The woman let out a giggle, "Yes, I'm sure.."

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