wooyoung simply bows to which yuna opens her arms, inviting him in for a hug. "are you sure?" she nods excitedly as he smiles, wrapping his arms around her waist as hers fall around his neck.

"i hope i get to see you again soon, wooyoung-ssi."

"me too. bye." she closes the door behind them, a small smile lingering on her lips as she starts her playlist to keep her company while she unpacked.



thanks for picking me

thanks to you i'm a little
less broke than i would've

it's all good don't worry
about it

tell the others i said thanks
as well

and tell mingi i appreciate
him noticing my interior
design skills

okay then

btw i think he likes you


i know he thinks you're
pretty but i think he
actually likes you

we just started talking just
over a week ago how is that

and i hated him like six days

i literally made him cry

i know that

but i think he likes you
so just be careful

i know sometimes you just
say what you want but
despite how he looks mingi
is a sensitive guy



i didn't mean to just spring
this on you i know you're
probably tired but i just
thought you should know

no it's all good

i don't get tired anyway

that's not true you'll be
asleep before five o'clock

sure thing buddy

it's 3:49 right now and i
bet you a meal that you'll
be asleep by 4:35 or sooner

okay deal


y'all need to keep me
awake i made a bet with
yunho that i could stay up
past five o'clock because
i'm not tired from travelling

i cannot lose to him

so come on entertain me

i'm sorry i'm busy rn



i'm kind of busy not super
busy but i am a little busy

i'm not that busy

oh no it's all good guys dw


hey i think you left your
sunglasses and i think
your carry on as well in
the van

oh shit really

i think so

it's a black leather bag
with a keychain on it

it looks like a rabbit with
a pink hat but idk

it's my melody

your melody?

no her name is my melody


what's in the bag

are you sure i can look

yes i'm sure


there's a pencil case a
crossword book a water
bottle and a laptop


is yunho busy

kind of

he's not super busy but he
is definitely sort of busy



do you need this stuff

obviously that's all my
schoolwork on that laptop
and i can't do classes
without it and i need to check
on orders from my store and
i'm fucked

i'm literally fucked

isn't school out rn

i go back in like a week

i thought you guys said
you were on a break why
is everyone busy

sorry yuna

no it's not your fault

i shouldn't have left my
shit in the car

if you want i could bring
it to you

no not if you're busy too

i'm not

the only problem is i can't

i can drive

i have a car and i can just
come pick it up


i'm at the company building
rn is that okay

yh that's all good

i'll be there soon

okay i'll see you then

wait mingi

what's up

can you come on your

just you

yeah sure

i wasn't planning on bringing
anyone with me lolol

i know

but just make sure you
come alone

being at the airport alone
and then meeting wooyoung
for the first time and you
and yunho for the first time
in years was already too much
for me

don't worry

i'll be alone

okay thank you

i really appreciate

don't worry about it

i'll see you soon

okay x

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