Believed yourself jobseekers

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At first I tell you all that I m not a good writer and my English grammar is not okk so I just want to share the experience I go through that's it those things that I can't tell anyone..... so I start

I completed my study but I didn't get any actually not any it's wrong to say I got 2jobs one when I complete my school and the last one when I complete my graduation but first one is better but not worthy second one is worthy not satisfied I m not happy to do ing it so I quit because I believe if we are not comfortable for doing anything we are not doing well...well this is a boring part actually I don't know how to start I really try hard for getting a government job but their is a huge competition and offcourse the huge syllabus my math is not good and offcourse English grammar actually I hate this 2 subject since childhood but they don't left me ohhh it's like they are my soul mates 😑 to be honest I don't like reading books I like to watch series movies in any languages I watch almost every movie's series in different languages in quarantine period and also continue  study side by side. If you all ask me recommended good books I don't but if you ask which series or movies I definitely I like all genre I like to write so sometimes when I get some free time I write my experience or where I gone through I write my diary a student  sometimes I feel lonely and upset when I don't do anything what my parents expect from me also I except me as well this field we have to study many subjects science arts everything I thought something I quit it well if I quit I live that normal boring life like our parents live...... like getting married and settled down and do whatever ur inlaws and your partner said no I don't.....parents are those people who loves you most that no one's they are sometime over possessive because it's their fear if our child's not doing this way as they thought if someone said bad to them like normally your neighbor or far relatives those who really cares about you lol 😆 ..... don't put yourself what they say just being yourself ....parents born in old culture so new things it's sometimes difficult to accept easily we tell that easy for excepting but when it's belong to you also not accept it so give them time if that's also not work then you fight till you get but that doesn't mean you snatch the things it's means atleast you try we are new generation if we lost then after our generation they are totally lost the way if you think I don't do this things i m not satisfied leave it try other things explore new world new things those make you happy .....happiness is more important simply we follow the money yahh money is more for survive but I think happiness is more important if we are not happy...... if we are not loving yourself then we don't love anyone anything ..... although I also fighting 💪 😅 daily basic but atleast I m happy what am doing yahh I believe that someday I definitely got my dream job so those

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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