Starlight's defender part 5

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An:Hello sorry for the late upload I'm really tired and was busy earlier sorry I'm just going to take a break for a day or two anyway I hope you understand and enjoy this chapter
After a hour or so with the lights off they turned back on and Sundrop was back to normal.

"Y/n are you okay?!"Sundrop asked freaked out while picking you up and  that the lights turned off in the daycare with children ."Yes I'm fine!"You say trying to break his grip but you still fail.

He looked to the side and sees a picture of him and Moondrop with glitter edges but still ripped in half."Did you make that for me and Moondrop?"He questioned while you nod your head up and down.

"Aww thanks y/n!!"Sundrop's says excitedly while putting you in for a hug.

"I hope you like it but someone ripped it in half."You say quietly while wishing you can punch them in the face for doing something so dumb but you would get banned from the daycare.

"It's okay y/n and look me and Moondrop get our own pictures of ourselves so we can remember you!!"Sundrop said happily at his and Moondrop's gift.

You and Sundrop try to part ways but Moondrop was trying to control Sundrop's body so y/n stayed close to him so Moondrop wouldn't be so clingy to you.

Hours pass and all kids have left the daycare except you and Sundrop but you do start to get sleepy and Sundrop's notices this."Y/n do you need to go to sleep?"He question while picking you up off the ground and carried you to his and Moondrop's room."I guess..."Before you fall asleep in Sundrop's arms.

Sun and Moon's pov

"Let me hold them."Moondrop says while I refuse.

"No and beside the lights haven't turned off yet and I don't want you to hurt anyone."Sundrop said trying to get Moondrop to stop bothering him.

"If you don't let me hold them then I do it myself."Moondrop said threateningly.

"Wait what do you mean!?"Before the lights turned off again.

"My sweet starlight...I don't want anyone to hurt or break you.I want you to live a life with me in it.And only me in it. I don't want you to leave my side. I'll make sure we are together forever."I said before giving y/n a plushie of myself.
Sorry for the short chapter but I hoped you enjoyed it and bye!!!

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