Star Trek Voyager: Fascination (Chapter 2)

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Seven stood in the briefing room beside the Captain, awaiting her fate as the senior officers, excluding Lieutenant Paris who was already on a mission, filed into the room. Was it really necessary for the Captain to order someone to accompany her to the warp mechanics conference on Ledosia? She knew it was against ship rules to go alone on an off world mission, but she had realised in recent months that no one liked be “assigned” to her as the Captain so patronisingly phrased it.

Chakotay couldn’t help but notice Seven’s slightly defeated posture as he entered the room, he had always without truly acknowledging it to himself liked to watch the subtle changes in her demeanour, how she reacted to events, but unsettlingly he had noticed her become more withdrawn than ever in recent weeks. Unbidden the image of her face when he had rebuked her weeks ago entered his mind but he ignored it.

The Captain broke the silence. “Now, I’ve called you here to inform you that Seven has been asked to attend a four day warp mechanics conference on Ledosia, so I’ve decided to give all the crew some shore leave, but someone needs to accompany Seven, any volunteers?”

God Kathryn, you really know how to make someone feel popular thought Chakotay sarcastically, as he looked round at the reluctant faces. Something Seven had said years before occurred to him. “The Captain ordered me to volunteer.” How right she was.

Seven feel her shoulders fall slightly as she looked around. Understandably no one wished to give up their shore leave to spend four days with her. Deciding to voice her concerns she spoke up. “Captain I do not wish to disrupt anyone’s plans..”

The Captain interrupted her with an irritated hand movement and said “None of them have any plans Seven.”

She’s making it sound like a punishment, thought Chakotay somewhat angrily. If Seven’s withdrawn it’s the Captain’s fault, I would be too if I was being patronised and condescended upon like that. This train of thought led him to an impulsive decision. “I’ll take her!” he announced suddenly and louder than he’d expected.

To say that Seven was stunned was an understatement and she had to work her hardest to hide her shock. Exhilaration which she immediately suppressed and anxiety which she actively encouraged came over her.

“Good.” Said the Captain in a self satisfied tone. Everyone else excepting Chakotay, Seven and the Captain hurriedly retreated in relief at having escaped, throwing Chakotay shocked looks as they left.

Fighting the urge to flee, Seven approached Chakotay unable to look him full in the face as she struggled to maintain her composure. “Commander I require two hours to prepare. Is that sufficient for you?”

“Yes.” Said Chakotay the implications of what he had volunteered to do beginning to sink in. Seven nodded silently in reply, turned sharply on her heel and left, leaving himself and the Captain alone.

“That was very chivalrous of you Chakotay.” Said the Captain with a slight smirk on her face.

He decided not to deem that remark with a reply. Obviously it wasn’t only Seven the Captain liked to patronise, but he had known that for years hadn’t he? He expressed his frustration by staring daggers into her back as she departed.

An hour and a half later Seven was sitting in sickbay being examined before she left.

“So….”said the Doctor, unable to hold back his curiosity any longer, “’re going with Commander Chakotay?”

“Yes.” Stated Seven, she had been expecting an interrogation of this sort.

“Did you ask him?” said the Doctor gleefully, unable to resist pressing for more.

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