Shigaraki scoffed. "Of course he is. That germaphobe is always up to something." He interrupted with disapproval. "Look, what I do know is that he's trying to take over the city before we do. We can't let that happen." Dabi continued. "Dabi, you should be careful with your next approach. We still have a lot of questions. How did he get that power in the first place? If he is the one behind all of the abductions, where did his victims go? Is Diamond one of them? If you're letting us join you on this, we're going to need to decide on things altogether." Kurogiri advised. "Princess has to stay in the yakuza base, wherever it is, to do damage control. If she's out and about for too long, they'll get suspicious and track her down." The arsonist replied, "They're having this auction gala thing that All Might's successor and Akemi are going to. That way those two can figure out what the big party is for. Then, Princess and that Bakugou kid can find out where the abducted are being kept without having to deal with too much security."

"Ohhhh!!!" Toga blurted unnecessarily. "There's a party! You're working with Bakugou?!" Twice's two voices chirped. "We still don't know how he got this 'brainwashing' quirk. Shiggy, I thought you took his old quirk." Spinner added. "I did." The blue haired man smirked slightly at the memory. "Then I don't understand how this happened." Dabi huffed irritably.

"Dabi, don't blame yourself. You made the right decision coming to us for guidance." Kurogiri added and brought him his water, patting his shoulder. "For some reason, the bastard still has people who like him scattered about the city. There's bound to be someone who gave him that quirk. You know how the quirk-technology industry is growing." Mr. Compress conspired insightfully. "Whether it's legal or not, there are going to be inventions on the market to give useless lumps like him powerful abilities again. Whether or not the Comission is making an effort to regulate it, it's going to spiral out of control eventually." Shigaraki guessed. "I know, whoever gave 'im that power must've helped him be so successful with his plan to take over the city so far." Dabi agreed.

"What do we get to do?! Tell us, tell us!" Toga chirped, giggling excitedly and hopping onto the couch next to the scarred arsonist. "We want to get revenge for Magne! And make the city ours as it should be!" Twice babbled on too. "I'll-" Dabi started to say. "Uh-uh-uh, burnt chicken nugget. You haven't kept contact with us for a long time now. We can technically disband you from the group altogether if I agreed to it enough, but that's not my intention. You see, all of us have sacrificed something for the League's vision. All of us have sacrificed our abilities to live normal lives but since you've strayed so far from our-" Tomura ranted ominously before being interrupted.

"Just tell me what you want already, Shiggy." The scarred villain grunted impatiently. "Convince Diamond to be one of us. Miraculously convince her to join the League, then we'll be whatever you need to take down Over-hoe." His blue haired boss bargained with a wry smirk. "I thought none of you have a problem with her!" Dabi argued, raising his voice with frustration. "I don't, Dabi!" Himiko blurted cheerfully, pouting sympathetically. "I know, Toga." He replied, his features softening. "Me too! She makes me feel loved!" Twice interjected in agreement.

"You know we can't afford having double agents anymore, Dabi. Do you know why the heroes keep knowing our every move? Someone keeps filling their ears with that information, and it certainly isn't any of us." Shigaraki snarled defensively. "Diamond is not a double agent!" Dabi snapped back. "She's the number five pro hero for fucking sake! Of course Diamond is a goddamn double agent!" The blue haired villain yelled angrily. "Both of you calm down now!" Kurogiri bellowed, earning all of the villains' attention.

The half-shadow man sighed and smiled with appreciation, even though none of his comrades could see it through his features. "Now, I'm sure we can make a compromise so that everyone gets what they want." He continued. "There has to be a reasonable approach you both can take to get what you want." Spinner agreed. "I thought...I thought wanting to take down Overhaul would be enough, Shiggy." Dabi admitted with a frown. "You've abandoned your post, and I want more than taking that bird bitch down. I want you where you belong, with us." Shigaraki answered with less sourness in his tone.

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