Chapter 3

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(I am so so sorry! When I was writing this, I realized how out of order the chapters are going to be because of the POV switch. However, this is another long chapter with some sarcasm from Diamond thrown in there. 

Enjoy and thank you for more than 100 views! <3)

Chapter 3

"Uh oh. I'm in danger."

Tired. That was the first thing Jaclyn Perry, also known as an unbreakable hero, Diamond, thought about when she woke up. For some reason, Diamond was feeling a specific kind of tiredness. It was the kind of tiredness that felt like a mix of jet lag and getting almost no sleep from the night before. I need to stretch... The unbreakable hero thought to herself. Jaclyn's eyelids opened as she tried to stand up, but all she could see was black. Her body was still immobile, probably stuck to something. Could I take a nap? I mean, I seem to be laying down. It's not too uncomfortable, wherever I am. She observed silently.

"No, I need to focus. Something about all of this is off." Jaclyn muttered under her breath as the overwhelmingly clean air filled her lungs. It smelt too much like a hospital for her liking. The antihero felt like she was going to puke as a shiver ran down her spine. The darkness, the smell, not being able to move...this can't be a coincidence. Diamond thought to herself analytically. "I can't be in the hospital, I haven't gotten any bad injuries. So the only explanation is..." She babbled, cautious to ensure no one could hear her.

"Boss, she's awake." Someone called. Jaclyn couldn't tell whose voice it was, but at least now she could guess her location. "Take off her blindfold. Let her know who calls the shots." Overhaul. She heard his voice before. He had a lot of names and labels among the Femmes, the Commission, and the League of Villains when Diamond worked with them. "Child abuser", "Manipulative bastard", and "Overpowered" were a few but her favorite was "child-abusing trash bag". After all, she came up with the nickname herself and held a grudge against him for what happened with Eri months ago. How he managed to escape was beyond her.

Once in a blue moon, she managed to align herself with the Femmes, Commission, and the League depending on what she was doing. They did agree on some things; one of them being that the yakuza was a big threat. How they would solve that hadn't been contemplated yet. As someone took off her blindfold, Overhaul stood a foot or so away and observed her reactions.

Diamond's dark brown eyes pooled down to herself, she was wearing some of her civilian clothes. No eye mask to help her see from further away, no hero costume, no ponytail to cool her off. Not that she needed it while the air conditioning system the room had on was running rampant. It took a second to realize that her identity was completely compromised. His voice sounded weird this time, maybe he figured it out. But then again, the press put her in the spotlight more often now that she thought about it. Potential enemies were bound to find out her identity sooner or later.

Haru Kurono, also known as Chronostasis, was looming close behind. She read about Overhaul's right-hand man from some files the Commission had a while back. Never thought I'd see him in person. "This explains a lot." Diamond blurted, earning glares from the two of them as they stood closer together and continued a separate discussion. But why? Jaclyn thought to herself. The metalworking hero still had so many questions about the dilemma she was in. Why her? There are so many heroes, vigilantes, and villains. What made her so worthy to be kidnapped by the Shia Hassakai? This silent game didn't take long to get under her skin. Conspiring who was going to say something next drove her crazy with what felt like an eternity,

𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔟𝔲𝔩𝔬𝔲𝔰 𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora