Everyone straps on their FBI vests and ensure their gun is loaded with bullets

"Are you sure that will work y/n, this unsub is unpredictable?" Derek asks

"I talked the plan over with Hotch, nothing is guaranteed we know that"

"Okay you know the plan, lets go" Hotch instructs

Just before the team separates you look over at Spencer who gives you a wink and a reassuring smile.

Quietly you open up the front door and JJ steps in front of you and Rossi follows behind, the three of you head down the hallway to a room in the back of the house.

Slowly opening the bedroom door you see a man chained up to a chair... the unsubs most recent victim...

"Jason?" JJ says quietly. A man steps out into the light, he looks dishevelled, dirty, and is covered in blood.

"Hi Jason, I'm Jennifer..." JJ begins to talk to the unsub in her sweet voice that can seem to calm anyone down, but as she speaks you notice Jason becoming more and more agitated.

"Jason, this is not your father, this man is Ben, look at him, he is scared Jason, you don't have to do this" JJ speaks

"Y-Yes I do, he hurt me, he will hurt me..." Jason yells as he begins to pace the room, JJ looks at you and nods her head which tells you she thinks she is about to make a breakthrough with him.

It all happened so fast, Jason picked up his gun and pointed it at JJ, sending a shot her way, hitting her directly in the thigh, and another one in her arm. Rossi shoots the unsub from behind you and Jason falls to the ground with a thud.

And there JJ was laying on the floor, ripping off your FBI vest you begin to tear at your shirt wrapping it around her wound to stop the bleeding.

"JJ stay with me, it's okay"

"MEDICS" you scream as the rest of the team rushes into the room, before you know it JJ is being brought to the hospital, you refuse to let her go. Keeping pressure on the wound you get into the ambulance with her, finally at the hospital the nurses take over leaving you bloody and weeping in the waiting room.

"Dammit" you kick a waiting room chair as Spencer pulls you into him, you cry, worried for your friend.

"Shit y/n I told you this plan was a bad idea. If we had waited one more day we could have caught the unsub outside, instead of inside the death trap. You need to listen, I know you want to prove yourself but you can't do that risking everyone else's lives" Derek says pacing the room

"I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I thought it would work, I really did" You say between tears.

"Well it didn't and now JJ is on the operating table because of you" Emily says in a low tone as she calms Derek down getting him to sit next to her.

"You said it was a good idea too" You say turning to Spencer

"But I wasn't in the room with you y/n, I don't know what happened"

"I had to shoot the unsub, y/n you should have noticed his movements, you should have been more prepared, this could have been prevented" Rossi says taking off his FBI vest

You nod, that's all you can do. The realization that the team now hates you is settling in, that you caused this and made this mistake. You could have cost JJ's life and this thought made you sick. You didn't want to prove yourself, you didn't care if you were the best on the team, you only wanted to contribute, and this time you messed up.

The next few days are silent, nobody wants to speak with you, even after JJ is released, the flight back is silent.

Arriving back at the BAU you look for Spencer, walking over to his desk he barely acknowledges your presence

BAU Boy Genius One Shots [Spencer Reid x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now