Act 18

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"So, any other debts I should know about?" Slender asks curiously.

"Nope, that's the only one. I payed back the others years ago," Y/N laughs, starting to relax. "What about you? Does the famous Slenderman have any debts?"

"I do not, although plenty of people owe me," Slender explains.

"That doesn't surprise me one bit," Y/N laughs. "What do people have to do to pay back the infamous Slenderman?"

"When they're not being murdered? Hmmm, usually money is enough. Sometimes I just have to scare them a little and they'll do my bidding, and I'll send a few to my brothers if I can't think of anything for them to do. Offender rather enjoys when I send people his way. They usually end up working for him so they end up slipping beneath my radar," Slender explains.

"I would not want to get on any of your guys' bad sides. I've seen an angry Offender before and it's hit pretty. You're pretty scary yourself," Y/N tells him as she sips her wine.

"I try," He says with a grin. "Fear keeps people in line, that's why I use it. It's how I stay at the top of the food chain."

"I couldn't do it. I'm too well known to appear scary," Y/N laughs. "Although, I can instill pain when I want to."

"That's using your bite, right? You can make it hurt or be pleasurable?" Slender asks.

"Wanna find out?" Y/N purrs, baring her fangs with a grin.

"Maybe another time," Slender assures her.

"So you want there to be a next time?" Y/N asks him with wide eyes. "Even"

"What you did in the past is of no interest to me. I'm interested in your present and your future. You've left your past lives behind and are a shining citizen in my city. I have no reason to avoid you despite learning of a rather sensitive secret of yours," Slender explains.

"I wouldn't call it a secret so much. I don't actually try to keep it hidden. Hell, all of his henchmen know I'm his call girl," Y/N explains with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I'll ensure he doesn't bother you any longer," Slender promises.

"What?! Don't you dare go interfering with my private life! I'm not a little princess that needs protecting. I will repay my debts myself," Y/N snaps, catching Slender by surprise.

He thought she'd be ecstatic to not have to sell her body anymore and yet here she was, telling him to leave her life alone. He was offering her a way out! A savior if you will. Why didn't she want to accept his help? Was it pride? No, surely not. There's nothing to be proud of even if it is repaying debts. There were better ways to do it anyway!

"But, why?" Slender asks, completely dumbfounded.

"I got myself into the mess and I'll get myself out of it. I don't need some knight in shining armor to help me. I don't like owing people favors," Y/N explains. "Don't interfere.......please."

"Very well," Slender sighs softly. "But should he do anything that makes you scared for your life don't be afraid to call me for help. I'll even do it debt free."

"I'll think about it," Y/N smiles, relieved he wasn't going to interfere.

"Alright. Any other questions?" Slender asks her curiously.

"Why are you so clingy in bed?" Y/N asks with a sly smirk.

"I am not!" Slender protests with flushed cheeks.

"Oh, yes you are. It took several hours for me to get out of your arms," Y/N teases him.

"You didn't have to leave. You could have stayed," Slender tells her.

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