Act 1

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"Come brother, enjoy an evening out with me," Offender purrs, leaning over his brother's desk. "You need to let loose every once in a while."

"Letting loose is something you do brother. I have no reason to follow in your footsteps when I am perfectly content to do my own thing," Slender sighs, waving his brother away. "I have work to get finished. I suggest you exit yourself from my office."

"What if I told you I had something worth your while?" Offender offers, a sly grin lifting the corners of his lips.

"I highly doubt you have anything worth my while. Unless you have the answer as to how I may further conquer the empire I have built for all of us then do share," Slender offers, continuing to look over his reports.

"Tch, no one is opposing us. If they try we just send our lesser dogs after them," Offender complains. "You do nothing but work. Come and have some fun for once!"

"There is no use in raising your voice. My answer isn't going to change," Slender reminds him, shuffling through the papers on his desk.

"Fine, then I'm asking you a favor," Offender offers, growling when he earns Slender's attention. Tch, of course that would gain it.

"You know my favors aren't cheap, Offender," Slender reminds him.

"I'm fully aware," Offender assures him. "Still I am asking."

"Very well. Surely it can't be more ridiculous than that hotel you wanted to build," Slender sighs.

"That hotel happens to be one of our highest profits may I remind you," Offender points out. "Now, for the empire I have built."

"With my help," Slender reminds him.

"Your money, yes. Your assistance, no," Offender points out.

"Very well. Do continue," Slender tells him, his attention only halfway on Offender.

"My top business is celebrating with a special show tonight. I want you to attend it with me," Offender tells him firmly.

"No," Slender declares, giving his brother his full attention. "I have no need to visit a strip club. You enjoy a night of drinking and celebration. I have no interest," Slender growls out.

"You'll like this one! The young woman who is the star of the show tonight is sure to catch your interest," Offender pleads. "Remember, this is a favor brother."

"A ridiculous one! Nothing is to be gained of this city's top boss going to a strip club! If anything it will tarnish my name!" Slender barks back. "My answer is no."

"JUST LOOK AT HER!" Offender snarls, holding out his phone with a trembling hand. "LOOK BROTHER!"

"What? Am I supposed to fall in love at first sight or something? A mere human. What is so special that would cause you to throw such a tantrum?" Slender snaps at him.

"Tch, you have grown pathetic in your years as a boss. The mere sight of this woman is enough to make any man swoon and you don't even spare her a second glance. Fine, stay here in this pathetic little office. You may be top dog, but without us you would have fallen long ago."

Slender clenches his teeth in anger at Offender's words but deep down he know's his brother is right. Without them building a city for him to rule he may as well have been a local village's drug lord. Now he was at the top of the food chain, running the most successful city in the entire world! Creatures from all over flocked to make a name in his city and one day get so much as a glimpse of its top dog. He hated being in the public eye. Something he has always disliked and never grew out of. Still, should his public showing really be at something as distasteful as a strip club?

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