Love Yourself

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Part 2.
The next day she went home I was kinda glad because I was so ready for that whole day to be over with it was drama, stress and a lot of bullshit. A couple days later I was still talking to quan we was close at that time we was just talking shit to each other for fun cause that we did, then a whole other conversation came outta nowhere and he asked me if I wanted to have  sex with him, but wait hear me out at this time I was 17 and a Virgin the only Virgin out of me and my cousins at the time but in all honesty I really wanted to lose it and I thought "why not I waited til I was 17" at least I didn't do it when I was younger, right ? Well that's what I thought but anyway I told him yes then it went on from their we made a whole plan up for me to go to school, get out early and do what we gotta do and it went just like that. The next morning I told my mom to pick me up from school at 1pm before I left home and she said okay so I got on the bus to go to school and his cousin got on the bus (he also rode my bus) apparently he knew what was up cause he said to me " ain't you supposed to be at home waiting on quan" or whatever I'm looking at him like why you all in our business but I said " we made a plan so mind yours" he wasn't feeling my comeback lol but it went just like that so I got to school did what I had to do til 1pm soon as that time hit I got a call from the office to leave, my mom was on point with it lol so on my way home I texted him and was like I'm on my way home and it was on like popcorn y'all lol when I got home my mom told me she had to leave to go somewhere which made it better for him to come and go without getting caught, my mom left then he came down then BOOM, no playing around straight to it Kinda thing but about like 10mins later my mom and her boyfriend pulled in the yard we jumped the fuck up and got normal they had bags so we went and helped them with the bags they was looking at us all weird and shit so I told him to leave, it was weird for a first time but I guess not everyone's first time will be good. I told my cousins about it they was laughing at me I laughed to shit but it got back to my mom and she wasn't happy she said I embarrassed her by doing that which I understand what she meant I should've talked to her about it before doing it but I didn't I wasn't thinking I just wanted to do it. That whole day was just weird, I felt weird I didn't tell anyone I laugh it off I'm never the type to show what I'm feeling if I'm upset or something I just stay to myself and be on my phone or If I'm around people I just laugh I really don't like to show my emotions, but anyways moving to the next ims till the same age but I was talking to someone different this time it was my moms boyfriends nephew (well you can nephew) we knew each other for over a year but it was my first time actually spending time with him so that night I was in my room but chilling on my phone and I get a text from him, Cameron, he said "sneak out with me " I was scared cause as you read before my mama was crazy so I told him "No" at first then he begged me " I said yes" mind y'all it was my first time doing any of that so as I was getting ready to go he texted me and said "I'm omw" so I had to put a rush on it and I did soon as I got finished with my hair he was already outside so I went out and got in his car and he took me to his moms out (yes y'all his mama house) so he leads me to his room and we just lay in his bed and watch tv until he turns around, put his arm around me and ask me if I wanted to have sex with him, I looked at him so confused and said "what?" He asked again and I said yes after the second he asked  and we did just that, okay so let me say this here i wasn't out here just doing every person I had, it may seemed that way but it wasn't. So after that he bought me home and you already know I was knocked out, sleeping like a baby but a few months went by, me and Cameron was still talking and stuff also doing the same thing but I started not to like it anymore because I kinda felt like he wanted to see me only at night (because he only came at night) I hated it so much I had to cut him off, I had to I hate feeling like I'm second or just something to do when he was bored, you know.? The crazy thing about that situation was I actually liked that person but I wasn't feeling that energy back. So I moved on to bigger and better things, so I thought.

Stay tuned for more drama, part 3 is next let me know if you guys like it so far. Thanks!

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