chapter 2

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Regulas pov:

Platform 9 3/4. What do you see when you look around? I see children buzzing with excitement. for some it's their first year at hogwarts, for others it's their last. For me, it's my 5th. I havnt got friends, no I have accomplises, mutuals, but I havnt got friends.

Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, hufflepuff and slytherin. Good luck 1st years. Good luck in your owls and your newts, have fun with your new friends. Gogwarts is the foundation of your life, this is your new beginning, so be wise.

Sirius, his here, over there. With James and remus and Peter, his friends. His friends that saved him, saved him but not me....Why would they save me. Sirius is over there, with his charming smile. Moony, wormtail, padfoit and prongs.

Do you think sirius thinks about me, I mean, like how I think about him. Do you think he remembers me. I don't know.

I want to go to him, I want to hug him, I want my big brother.

"Regulas we will be writing, we expect letter back, do you understand?"

Yes father I understand, he knows I understand, to people around us, it's a simple request, to them it's their way of keeping their dog on the leash.

"Yes father"

I walked, no I slowly made my way onto the train. I have no friends, so where do I sit? I can't sit with my brother, I just can't. I can't sit with the other slytherins, for all they talk about is the dark Lord. So where do I sit?

It's simple, by myself, like always.

I have no friends, but I see my brothers. I have no friends, but sirius and his friends knock on my door. I gave no friends, but they let themselves I'm. I have no friends my James sits next to me. I have no friend but they look at me.

"Where are your friends"

Stupid brother, I thought you knew

"I have no friends."

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