First Moon

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3rd POV:
Tonks loved her daughter unconditionally. She didn't care that she looked a little more like her father, or that she took after her father a bit in her actions. Despite no longer loving the man who left her, she loved everything about her daughter, especially where she took after Remus. Tonks promised herself she would raise her daughter to be kind, and never hate her father for what he did. As little Serinity grew, Tonks would notice how similar she was to her father in her kind but calculating manner. Everything about Serenity screamed 'Remus's daughter'. However there was one similarity that our dear Tonks wasn't prepared for.

You see, Tonks had no trouble finding a babysitter for our little protagonist. She was always a quiet baby, and would sleep through the night without a single disturbance. Most of the time Andromeda, or Charlie Weasley would actually ask to watch the baby. Because she slept so soundly, most of the time Serenity went all night without anyone checking up on her.

As Serinity grew, so did her restless anxiety. The particular night in question, a 6 year old Serinity was so worried about her mother, that she begged Charlie to stay up and wait for her. Charlie reluctantly agreed, and set her up in the living room with a blanket. Of course the sleepy little child wasn't awake for very long, but falling asleep on the couch instead of in her bedroom revealed some very new information. Charlie looked up from his book, and was very shocked to see that instead of the little girl that he has come to love, a little dirty blonde wolf pup lay fast asleep in the pile of blankets. Charlie almost began to freak out, but he quickly realized that she had picked up her father's lycanthropy. Upon Tonk's arrival home, she found a hyper little wolf pup nipping at her ankles playfully.

Picking up the little wolf, Tonks looked over to her best friend.
"Mind explaining where this little one came from?"
"⟟ believe she came from you, it seems Serinity has inherited her fathers...condition."
To say Tonks was surprised would be an understatement, but never the less, she still hugged the little pup close, vowing to always protect her.

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