"It's 3 am, how do you know I'm not asleep?"

"Because you're just as koo-koo as I am, my friend," She said humorously, though all she wanted to do was hug him. Something she would often do during the night when she, too, couldn't sleep was call Mr. Stark to talk to him and help him fall asleep, and even if there were unlikely nights where he didn't pick up, she was glad he was asleep. "Aaaanyways, how are you doing? I'm sure my dazzling presence is missed, isn't it? Eh?"

Tony chuckled from the other side. "Happy won't admit it, but it seems that he misses you quite a bit,"

"Oh my, I'm flattered!" She giggled.

"How was your first day?"

"I found the development studio and may have been late to my first homeroom class, buuut I placed 10th in the quirk apprehension test, which I think is pretty decent, innit?"

"'Innit'? You sure you didn't move to Britain?"

"Pretty sure I'm in the right country, northwest Pacific Ocean, if I'm correct. But, like, holy shiiii...zzles. Shizzles. Stuff here costs like 3000 Yen, which is actually around 26 dollars! 3k sounds like a lot even if it isn't, right? But guess what?! There's a beach here! I go there all the time, it's really nice. And anyway, I met this boy who's my neighbour and his hair looks like a Christmas tree, but his mom made me some Japanese noodles and they were delicious! Speaking of neighbours, I got the police called on me because of my drums, which is very rude, if you ask me," She rambled on happily. She knew Tony was happy to hear her go on about everything too, right? Of course right. Right-

"Surely. Your playing is the best, after all,"

"See? You get it!" She laughed.

"Phoebe!" Aunt May waved from the car.

"Oh, Aunt May's here. Sorry, I have to go. Goodnight!"

"Have a good afternoon, Phoebe."

She hung up with a glad smile, and skipped over to the car to tell May all about her first day. She couldn't be that angry.

"TWENTY MINUTES?! I swear to heavens, Phoebe, only you can be late for your first day at school..." She sighed hopelessly, and Phoebe imitated her.

"It can't be helped, I'm the Main Character." She winked.

"Of course you are." May smiled with a shake of her head while Phoebe stuck her head out of the window like a curious dog, smiling at the outside breeze and setting sun.


As it turns out, yesterday didn't seem to be a one-time thing, after all...

Even though she was without her web shooters for the morning, Phoebe took the longer route through the city rooftops, jumping from roof to roof whilst biting on a bagel.

Of course, that wasn't the end of her adventures...

"Ohayooooooo, Mei my bestieeee!" Phoebe 'flew' into the studio, expecting to see the girl, but was met with silence.

Obviously, dumbass, it's 9.34am.

"Hey Parker, aren't you supposed to be in second period right now?" Power Loader asked from underneath some new invention he was making.

"Maybe, buuuut, I came to pick up my web shooters for my next class, hero studies." She smiled innocently.

"Oh, they should be over there, but Mei told me to tell you that she didn't manage to finish them on time because of the multi-function program in them." He said, gesturing to her desk.

𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 。゚ʙɴʜᴀ x ᴍᴄᴜ。゚ꜰᴇᴍ ꜱᴘɪᴅᴇʀ-ᴍᴀɴ ᴏᴄWhere stories live. Discover now