off to work! [night 1]

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you got out of your shower feeling calm and refreshed. you let out a sigh hearing the rain outside and went up stairs to get changed. you put on some comfy fitting trousers (or pants ig) and a (BANDNAME) shirt quickly running down your stairs. (jumping the last few) You grabbed your coat and keys from the table and went to pack a bag; in the bag you put your keys, phone, torch, your (COLOUR) jumper and some snacks. you checked your phone and saw the time, 11:37. Swearing under your breath you grabbed your bag and made a run for your car in the pouring rain. Once in the safety of your car you drove along the road knowing that you'd be there for awhile since the rental was just out of the city.

Stopping in front of Circus Baby's entertainment, glad that the rain had stopped, you got out of your car and locked it as you walked into the place. you got inside and had to treck around the shops for a good five minutes before actually finding the elevator. you pushed a few buttons on the keypad before entering the elevator. Once in you took a moment to look around the elevator. You heard a voice play through the speakers, it wasn't too important so you decided to look around. You spotted the baby poster and saw this ugly thing in the background.

"wtf is that-" You hesitantly joked hoping it wasn't watching you from a vent/window.

you then looked at Ballora's poster, you spotted that she was basically wearing a bikini

"isn't this meant to be for five year olds?" you questioned. Before you could keep trash talking the animatronics you were interrupted by a screen popping up in front of you. You pressed the keys on the screen spelling out your name, once you spelt out what was remotely similar to your name the screen changed.

"It seems you were having some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will autocorrect it for you. One moment... Welcome, Eggs Benedict!" The machine shouted through the speaker, located somewhere in the room.

"Huh? what no-" you said, about to try and change it, but before you could the elevator came to a rattling stop.

"Please press the big red obvious button." the guy over intercom stated.

"yeah, yeah-" you said ducking down into the vent trying to avoid the tape and taking out your torch.

once through the vent you stood up and looked around you seeing two windows. One Ballora's and the other Foxy's. you checked Ballora's using the light, seeing that she was on the stage you turned to your right and checked Foxy's, seeing that he was not there you were instructed to give him a controlled shock, you were unsure but still did it, after 2 controlled shocks you saw him up on his stage. Toy Foxy was always your favourite of the four but seeing funtime Foxy was so cool, he looked a bit creepy with the lights, but so far he was definitely your favourite. Before you got too carried away staring at him you hurried into the next vent. Half way through the next vent you heard a voice.

"Motion trigger: circus gallery vent." A female computer voice said sending a shiver up your spine. Once you got to Baby's auditorium you were told to give baby shock, after it didn't work a couple of times you went to turn the light on and baby wasn't there even though the system told you she was which was a bit worrying but you decided since your shift was over to just go home. stumbling through the vents with a snack bar in your mouth.

I don't have a uploading time just so yk

falling for the fox.. (Funtime Foxy x reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now