13. Flirty

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She rests on the table for a solid five minutes, basking in the aura that is Karl Heisenberg. Even spent like this after their love making – okay, let's be accurate – after that mind blowing fuck, he exerts an air of dominance.

Karl sits up, pulling on his pants and looping his belt through them. He dives into his coat pocket, retrieving a fat cigar and clipping the end before lighting it up. His cheeks bellow on the first and second puff, really getting it glowing. He sits on the edge of the workbench, sucking on his cigar, letting the wisps of heavily scented smoke roll around his mouth before blowing them out of his nostrils. It is a comforting smell, and one which she would happily lounge in all day, much like his company. She's smart enough to know though that Karl isn't like that. He hasn't even really thought about aftercare – not counting the cigar he lit for himself, that is.

She stays put for a short time, just watching him as the brown paper that holds the tobacco steadily turns to a cylinder of gray.

"Want some?" He offers, holding it back between two fingers. She shakes her head. "Suit yourself," he says.

"Say, Karl," She starts, sitting up.

"What is it, sweet cheeks?"

"Why do you wear those necklaces?" She glances at the pressed metal, hook and tube suspended against that glorious, masculine chest with hair now glimmering with sweat like the first dew of the morning.

"These?" He jangles them. "I like to keep metal around. It feels safe."

"I didn't realize a man like you ever needed to feel otherwise." She means it as a compliment, a curious notion about this seemingly god-like being, but judging by the stiff look he gives her, he didn't take it as one.

"The fuck did you just say?"

She bolts up. "I didn't mean anything by it! I just... You're so strong!"

He grunts and sucks on the cigar. "Better be all you meant."

"Not one to talk about your emotions are you?" She pulls on her clothes as they speak.

"I prefer plans."

"Fair enough. Speaking of, didn't you need to check on something? Or was this all just to lure me down here?" A woman can hope.

He smirks, showing a side of teeth as they bite into the cigar he's just about finished. "Didn't take much persuading."

"Heh..." Heat sears at her cheeks. She already wants to kiss him again, to have him claim her mouth.

He puts his cigar out on the factory floor and after tugging his boots back on, crushes it into smouldering powder. "It's down on the next floor."

"What is?"

He snickers. "That distracted by looking at me, were you? Can't blame you."

"Karl..." More heat. It’s already hot enough in here...

"What I came down to check on. Let's go take a look."

"Alright." She hops off of the table, hoping that he will take her hand. He doesn't, but he does get the door and her heart skips a beat.

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