Luz x Human!Reader: Ice Cream (AU)

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(This is before Luz went to the boiling isles. Also Luz might be a bit ooc, so sorry about that. I haven't written for this fandom in a while.

Edit 3/21/22: So I just remembered that Luz is lactose intolerant, so this is an AU-)

'It's my first date with Luz...why does that sound scary?'

You decided to take Luz out for ice cream since it was the summer and it was warm outside, but not too warm for the ice cream to melt in two seconds.

She was happy when you told her that and dragged you over to the ice cream stand.

"Luz, slow down-"

She realized what she was doing and let you go. "Oops, sorry."

You two walked the rest of the way there. Once you arrived, you guys ordered ice cream.

"I'll have (F/F) cone, and what about you Luz?"

"Chocolate please!"

"Coming right up."

You and Luz got your cones and sat down on a nearby bench.

"So..." You didn't know what to talk about.

Apparently neither did Luz, who was busying herself with her ice cream. But that was okay, you guys didn't need to talk. Sitting in silence was good too.

After you guys were done, you walked her home. Camila approved of your relationship and was honestly the kindest (though a bit stern) person ever.

"So...did you not like it?"

Luz blinked. "Like what?"

"The date. I was just asking since you didn't say anything, and normally you're a really talkative person so I thought-"

"Of course I liked it! It was a nice date (Y/N)."

You let out a sigh of relief. "Good."

She giggled and kissed your cheek, then went inside.

Written on: January 25, 2022

The Owl House Oneshots/HeadcanonsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz