Chapter 9 - A late-night flight

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The rito champion had been laying in his hammock, awake, for the past few hours.
Feeling a prod in his side, he turned his head to where Link's hair was illuminated by the soft light of the moon. He was sat up, poking Revali.
"Link? What are you doing up?"
The hylian shook his head, sighing loudly.
"The hero of hyrule should truly get his beauty sleep, y'know," he teased, but after a moment's silence he persisted, "Can't sleep?"
He hummed as an answer, a sound of confirmation.
Revali exhaled deeply, "Me neither."
The two sat up for a while, until they could stand the stuffy area of the room no longer. A breeze taunted them as they interacted, until eventually Link stood up from the bed and ran to the balcony, followed quickly by Revali.
Leaning against the cool stone, he breathed in the fresh air. As he looked over to Link, he noticed his ears and cheeks red.
"What's wrong? You look ill - or embarrassed."
Chuckling, the hylian pointed to the sky.
"What?" At first, Revali didn't understand, "Oh, you want to go for a fly?"
Link nodded. It was enough for Revali to crouch down.
"Get on, then."
He surprised himself with his smoothness, how sturdy his voice sounded. On the inside, however, he couldn't deny a feeling as if he were soaring through the air and plunging to the ground at the same time.
Hesitating, Link climbed on and hugged his body tight, the cold air whipping his face as they flew into the sky.
It was dark, but stunning from the height. The huge, flat fields near Hyrule Castle took his breath away. He could see stables settling down - possibly even Kakariko village from up there. Silently, he wished it would never end.
Revali had the same thought process - endless, long-stretching terrain with patches of long grass here and there. It seemed to go on forever. He hoped and prayed to Hylia the sun would never rise - it would just be the cool night air, him and Link.
He climbed higher and higher in the sky, almost straight-up but considerate of Link at his back, and rose over the clouds. The wavy, soft wisps of cloud that littered the sky looked like waves, in an ocean of luxury.
Stars above them shone and the moon was closer than ever. He could feel its glow on his face.
They then plummeted down, towards the earth once more, towards the familiar lands of Hyrule.
He heard a slight gasp of excitement, or astonishment, come from Link.
"Enjoying it now?" Revali raised his voice, afraid it'd get caught on the winds, "I like it up here a lot."
"Yes," a voice replied to him, "I do too."
It was only later that evening, at the very highest hour of midnight, when him and Link finally returned to the castle and collapsed together in his room, did he realise something.
They slept deeply, exhausted from the breath-taking sights of the night, holding each other for the escape from the chill of the midnight air.

Revali was awaken by a tap on his shoulder. He soon opened his eyes, a new energy in him as he saw Link's face.
"Good morning," he spoke, smiling slightly, "How did you sleep?"
Link nodded, indicating his sleep was undisturbed and well.
Revali sighed, pushing his face into the pillow, "Can't we just stay here?"
Link laughed but shook his head and grabbed Revali's wing, gesturing for the rito to follow him.
"Okay. But I'll need to get changed first."
He did - quickly to end the suspense in his mind - and pulled on his normal brown tunic, with his blue champion scarf, pushing away the thoughts that told him of his worth. Link was taking him somewhere, he cared less about anything else in all of Hyrule.
After getting fully changed, he let Link drag him by his wing to the outside.
"Where are we going?"
Link just shrugged, but put a hand over his eyes.
"You want me to close my eyes?"
He drew his spare wing over his face, blocking his view as Link requested.
The two walked for a while now, the cool morning air refreshing Revali and dew laying heavy on Link's skin.
Eventually, after a while, Link stopped and let Revali remove his wing from his face. Cautiously, he did so, before gasping at the sight before him. Link had taken him to a wonderful little spring. It had two waterfalls - one big and one small - that flowed from the cliffs to the pool at the bottom. It was surrounded by fruit trees, of almost all kinds like hearty durians and apples, and even berry bushes with wild berries or patches of Hyrule herbs and cool safflina.
"Cool safflina only grows in cold climates, though," he gaped, "How is it growing here?"
Link shook his head and shrugged. He didn't know, either.
Revali let the spritz from the waterfalls cleanse his face, and also let Link take his wing to venture down the slope.
His talons sunk into the soft earth, and he enjoyed the gentle and quiet area.
After some minutes of sitting down, Link had been sitting on a log bench made from a fallen tree, with Revali resting his head in his lap.
"Y'know, oh mighty Hero of Hyrule..." he started, getting Link's attention, "You aren't so bad."
Link smirked, leaning over the bench to grab something. Afterwards he produced a stunning necklace. It was a silver choker, with two smaller diamonds and a larger diamond in the middle.
"Is that for me?" He said, staring at the diamonds with his beak hanging open.
Link was just full of surprises! How could he get such an amazing necklace and have found the spring?
Link nodded, smiling brightly as he put it on Revali's neck. It hugged the feathers on his neck, and he felt his other feathers puff up as he realised he didn't have a gift for Link.
He lowered his head shamefully, "I'm sorry, I don't have a present for you."
Humming, Link hugged Revali.
"It's okay,"
The two stayed like that for a while, Revali resting his head on Link's shoulder, until he realised it would be around breakfast time.
"We should probably go now, it'll be breakfast time soon."
Agreeing with a nod, the two got up and Link confidently walked up the slope, holding out a hand for Revali as he stumbled up after him, his talons slipping on the mud.
"Thank you," he sighed as they made it onto the normal land.
Walking back, Revali subconsciously fiddled with the necklace, finding joy from its brisk touch.
As they reached the hall, they noticed everybody waiting for them.
"Apologies," Revali quickly said before sitting down.
They all dug into breakfast, Revali and Link finishing before all the others, giddy with anticipation of returning to their spring.
They felt too warm in the indoors, it felt too sticky and hot.
"Can we excuse ourselves?" Revali asked politely, met with a nod from Urbosa and Zelda, "Thank you."
Link ran ahead of him, but still held on to his wing.
"Hey, slow down!"
The door swung shut behind the two of them and they continued until they reached their little spring again.
The sun, which was now high in the blue sky, reflected against the small pool of water, shining back like a ray.
It felt magical there, as Revali and Link had sat down on the log bench. The rito had his eyes closed.
"Link?" He spoke as he felt the air stirr around him.
The hylian had moved to stand up, stretching out his arms, his ears red with anxiety.
"What's the matter?"
"Revali..." he spoke his name, making Revali's breath hitch for a moment, "I need to tell you something."

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