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Mashiho did not leave his room till Mrs Kim left. He got down to the kitchen and saw Junkyu there. He ignored him and took a bag of chips...he was about to leave but stopped when Junkyu spoke

"Sorry" Junkyu said making Mashiho turn to him

"Sorry for hitting you, it's just that I don't like it when people speak to my mother in that tone...I clearly shouldn't have hit you knowing my mom has been rude to you ever since...sorry" Junkyu said

Mashiho looked at Junkyu in disbelief, He apologised, he always does, every time he says something bad to Mashiho or hit him, he would apologise after...and Mashiho was already sick of it

"Ok" Mashiho said in an expressionless face and walked out


Mashiho got out of the house heading towards a cafe, he took a table that was beside the window, he wanted to look outside as he enjoyed his coffee and books he brought to read

"Oh you" he heard someone say, he looked up from his book and saw a familiar face

"Do I know you?" Mashiho asked and placed his book down

"Yeah I'm Yohan, the guy you met at the elevator...Kjk corp? Don't you remember?" The guy said putting Mashiho in deep thought

"Oh I remember you now, The hanky guy" Mashiho said and smiled

"Can I see here?" He asked and Mashiho nodded

"How are you now? Back then you looked really sad, are you okay now?" He asked

Mashiho took a sip of his coffee and sighed before replying "Hm I guess"

"By the way what's your name?" Yohan asked


"You're Japanese? Woah my mom's japanese" Yohan said making Mashiho smile. They linked pretty well considering Yohan kept cracking jokes which made Mashiho laugh

They talked on random thinks and got to know each other very well, they didn't even realise it was getting dark

"Ah it's seven already, I have to go home now" Mashiho said packing his books and the second coffee he ordered

"Oh can I drop you" Yohan said getting up too

"Uhm I actually brought my car" Mashiho said making Yohan's smile fade

"Hm alright, can I at least walk you to your car?" Yohan requested making Mashiho smile and accept

"Get home safe, I'll text you" Yohan said and closed the door after Mashiho got into his car

Mashiho nodded and waved at him before driving off


Junkyu walked into the Living room and saw Mashiho giggling while on his phone

"Yah! You're so cheesy" Mashiho said smiling

'Who's he speaking to?' Junkyu said in his mind

"Huh? You want to meet up again? How impatient of you" Mashiho said and chuckled

Junkyu realised he was standing looking at Mashiho, he turned and started heading towards the garden

Once he got back he saw Mashiho was still on the call. 'Huh? I went out hours ago' Junkyu said looking at Mashiho who was laughing at Yohan's joke

"Don't you have anything to do other than talk to me?" Mashiho asked smiling

"You have to make it up to me for calling me all day" Mashiho said

Junkyu in the kitchen could hear everything he said

"Hm, a date? Yah! Do I look like your boyfriend?" Mashiho said and laughed

Junkyu immediately dropped his cup once he heard Mashiho speak about a date. He couldn't understand why he was suddenly angry

"A hangout would do then, when should we meet?"

"Saturday? Alright then...Mm...byebye" Mashiho said and ended the call. He stood up and started humming to a song as he happily went up the stairs

Junkyu watched as Mashiho climbed up in happiness and scoffed

"He's happy just because of someone else"


"Mashiho" Junkyu knocked on Mashiho's door

Mashiho opened the door with his phone in between his ear and shoulder

"Hold on" he said to his phone and faced Junkyu


"Uh dress up, we're going out" Junkyu said to Mashiho

"Hell no" Mashiho said and closed the door. Junkyu still stood there shocked. Mashiho rejected him

He turned and walked away


Mashiho got down to the kitchen and saw Junkyu cutting some carrots and he saw some already chopped vegetables in a bowl

"Huh? What's he making?-
Mashiho's thoughts got interrupted when Junkyu hissed and held his hand

Mashiho immediately went to him and saw that his index was cut and was bleeding

"Aishh can't you be careful when using a knife?" Mashiho then dragged him to the sink and turned on the tap to let the blood wash away, he then brought out the first aid kit in the cabinet

He made Junkyu sit and then he started attending to his injury

He first disinfected it and applied some penicillin on it before bandaging it

Junkyu looked at Mashiho closely as Mashiho treated his cut

"He's much prettier close up" Junkyu couldn't deny that Mashiho looked so ethereal

He then looked at his wound and back at Mashiho

'Even though I treat him bad he still cares for me...*sigh* I really am a monster' Junkyu said for the first time with regret

"Done...you should be careful with knives" Mashiho said and leaned out

"What were you making?" Mashiho asked walking to the counter

"Jjajangmyeon" Junkyu said

"I'll continue from here, when it's done I'll serve it to you, now go upstairs" Mashiho said to Junkyu

Junkyu nodded and stood up...he started walking and then realised it was the first time he did as someone ordered him to, he usually is the one to order not follow orders but here he is following Mashiho's orders

Instant Wifey!||Mashikyu, HajeongwooDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora