Chapter 1: A Summer of Change

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"Throw down your wand, Potter, or she dies!" Voldemort was holding Hermione Granger hostage, pointing his wand at her throat. "NOW!"

Harry McGonagall's eyes opened and he nearly jumped out of bed. He was soaked in sweat from the nightmare he'd awoken from. He'd been reliving what had happened just a few days earlier, when Voldemort had returned. He wiped the sweat off his brow, pausing to feel the lightning-shaped scar that had re-emerged when Tom Riddle had touched his forehead. Realizing he had an urgent need, he got out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

He was currently staying at McGonagall Manor. After the final task of the Triwizard Tournament and its repercussions, his aunt had decided that it was time for the Hogwarts group to leave France. Classes were over anyway, although the seventh-year Hogwarts students who'd spent most of the year at Beauxbatons had to take their N.E.W.T.s at Hogwarts anyway. However, Aunt Minnie had allowed the sixth-years like Cedric to go home. Harry (as well as fellow champion Cedric Diggory) hadn't had to take final exams, so they didn't even have to worry about their results.

Hermione and Brianna had returned to Hogwarts for their final, completely useless week of doing nothing but waiting for test results, so that Minerva wouldn't appear to give too much favoritism. The Headmistress also returned to Hogwarts, but Harry's mother had come to stay with him. After what had happened she'd insisted on seeing her son as soon as possible.

She'd nearly suffocated him with a hug as she cried about how worried she'd been about him. She asked him several times if he truly was all right, which he'd vehemently claimed. Aside from the nightmares, he was, and there was no way he'd talk about them. He'd even started silencing his door, just in case he woke up screaming. She'd commented on his new hair color, but didn't actually say anything about his scar, and he'd caught her trying to not look at it. It was, after all, hard not to notice. She'd started crying when he relayed the thank you that the 'shadows' of his birth parents had asked him to pass on, telling him that taking him in hadn't been a burden, that she'd never regretted it. She considered it one of the best decisions she'd ever made.

While Harry was washing his hands, he stared at the mirror, still not used to his new appearance. His new hair color, as well as his scar, did make him look different, but he'd decided to keep both. As he gazed at the lightning bolt on his forehead, he remembered what he was going to do today. Aunt Minnie would be leaving Hogwarts for the morning to take him to the Ministry of Magic so he could finally hear the prophecy he'd learned about four years earlier. He hadn't visited the Department of Mysteries at that time, because he'd have had to reveal his identity. Now that the cat was out of the bag, he had no reason not to listen to the bit of bad poetry that had cost his birth-parents their lives. With that in mind, he walked into the dining room.

"Good morning, Harry," greeted Cindy McGonagall, who was already sitting at the table with a plate of pancakes.

"Morning, Mom," he replied as he sat across from her. Within a few seconds, a plate loaded with pancakes, sausage and eggs appeared in front of him. "I see Blinky is awake," he commented before picking up his fork.

"She is quite efficient. What time is Aunt Minnie coming?"

"In about a half hour. She figured that the students won't even notice she's gone if she eats breakfast with them."

"I just hope the newspapers won't find out about the prophecy," his mother commented, sounding a bit concerned.

"Me, too, but we've got it all worked out," he answered honestly. "There will be a record of our arrival, of course, but we don't want people knowing we went to the Department of Mysteries. We're only officially admitting my birth name so that the Ministry will recognize my claim to any Potter inheritances. Gringotts already does, but they don't control the Ministry. That's all that most people will know. Our detour to the DoM will be off the record. Unspeakables like it that way, according to Aunt Minnie, so it should work. No one else should find out about the prophecy today."

Harry Potter-McGonagall (Sequel to Harry McGonagall) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now