Part Two

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There was a murmur in the back of her head, it continued to get louder and clearer the closer it got.

"Nita! Nita? Where are you? You better not be eating flowers again! You know what happens when you eat flowers."

Her unfocused eyes narrow in on the innocent assortment of wild flowers. She lifts an uncertain hand and slowly reaches out to them. She bites her lip and swallows her hesitance. Lunging forward, she grabs a clump of wild flowers and brings them closer to her. She held them in front of her with both hands. She stares at them one more time, before she lifts them up to her widening mouth.

No more pausing, she shoves them in her mouth. She continues to shove more and more flowers into her mouth and swallow them. The bitter aftertaste and grainy bits of earth with every mouthful is ignored in favor of the mindless motions she is making. However, with each mouthful she also feels worse than before. Her stomach twisted and ached, something bubbling and curling inside.

The voice she heard seemed to have spotted her and she began to throw up. The voice is panicked and yet exacerbated as it knows what she is doing is forbidden. It draws louder and closer with every footstep and expel of her stomach.

"Nita, I told you not to eat flowers! Bo! Over here, quickly! Nita is throwing up again! She ate flowers!", a hand touched her back and tried to sooth her, "Nita, you'll be okay once we get you some help. Not all flowers can be eaten, remember that.", the voice directed at her in a calmer manner.

Soon enough, more voices could be heard before she blacked out.



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