Chapter 1!

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Y/N was a young woman living in Utah, just freshly moved into a new place. But no stranger to Utah tough, Hurricane wasn't What she had in mind, but she was willing to settle for now. Sitting on her porch letting the summer breeze slowly let her come to Conscious, due to it being another early morning. zoning out and scrolling through her phone.

"Another one?"

I squinted almost to read it closer as if I felt my eyes could be mistaken.

"Gabriel Chaster, Age 8, Young male, blue eyes, Last seen wearing an Orange Jacket. Missing, Call this number if may know any information or contact your local authorities..."

I Quietly whispered to myself almost so I could remember it harder. Maybe it would pull me out of my tired state. But at the same time, I knew that memorizing this stuff would be useless. I'm not exactly the baby napper chaser, but I could never imagine what their parents must be going through. if I were a parent of that child, I'd want every person on earth to memorize it. It's the very least I can do. They kept popping up! These missing children report.

it was kind of scary, even though I wasn't a child, or did not have any children. It was scary to know that there was some creep lurking around where I had been living. Nevertheless, I needed to find a job, I'm in a different part of town now, And honestly, the missing children's posters on social media were enough to make me want to leave. But the money just doesn't fall out of the air. I went looking around town and found a few spots, but they all demanded that I have something I didn't have, or would be too much hard work to get. Eventually, I landed at a kid's pizza place. Even though I didn't want to work at the greasy establishment, everyone's gonna start somewhere right?

On the outside of the establishment, there were almost 15 help-needed posters. Looked like this place was desperate for anyone! Which wasn't exactly a good sign, but Hey! I need the money. I walk inside, and the overwhelming smell of grease and melted cheese hits my face. I can almost feel the thick layer and a hint of cigarette smoke. Kids yelling and screaming could be heard from every direction, and there was music playing in the background. but it wasn't immediately overturned by little children. I walk up to the counter and I met a sweet lady with a thick country accent.

"Hey, Hunny! What can I do ya for?"

"Oh! I was just wondering if I could get a job here. I saw the posters, and I'm new in town. Can I speak to your boss?"

"Why of course you can hun!"

Her sweet smile quickly fades, as her head jolts to the left.


She looks back over at me with a quick smile after running into the back of the kitchen. I awkwardly chuckle at the chaos that is going on around me. A man finally peers out of the kitchen, he looks like he has seen better days. he has soft features, is a tiny bit overweight, has Big glasses, and has a bit of a beard. He looks kind of Dorky. Overall a kind-looking man but he has an irritated face.

"Look, ma'am this is the last time I'm gonna tell you! he is not here-"

He looks up A look of realization Floods over him, and his cheeks flush pink.

"OH! My apologies! I thought you were somebody else! What can I do for you?

The man sitting there in embarrassment and sweat looks at you eagerly. With a look of "Just get this over with already" written all over his face.

"Yes, I'm sorry to disturb you, sir! But I'm interested in a job, but you look busy I could just-"

The man, almost looking astonished, Entrups you.

||"My Little Bunny~♡"|| William afton x reader Where stories live. Discover now