i guess im not okay ~UPDATE~

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i am constantly dissociating, i feel as if my day-to-day life is a dream for weeks on end and i seriously cannot recall simple things like the color of my own sibling's hair.

i seriously cannot live my life anymore, i need a break from stress. i wanna be the carefree stoner/chill personality guy of the group but everyone thinks im smart. and that's no fun >:(

trust me, i am IN NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM as smart as i sound. im just a nerd who likes animals and draws a lot, like leave me alone and stop trying to squeeze out my brain juice >:(((((

and im not learning ANYTHING at this school, public schools suck tacos.

anyways, i have a 6teen story/book/one shots/whatever thing coming up becauseilovejudeandwouldliterallykillforhim, but also! because it's just very interesting to write about. as well as total drama. so look forward to that lol

and i seriously don't want to sleep anymore because i keep having nightmares. it's a little more serious than i thought, but it's fine i guess

INVERTED is my name now, because that's how i feel, but you all can call me freg if you want 

but anyways, if you stuck around for the last few chapters the you would know Fritz is now in Total Drama and this comic is dedicated to torturing him!

why? because i love him!

anyways, i have his NOW OFFICIAL CANNON ADULT VOICE + CHARACTER SONGS because you all know how much i just lOoOOoOve those!

and because i need some happiness in my life have some 6teen snap shots :) (it's mostly jude)

and because i need some happiness in my life have some 6teen snap shots :) (it's mostly jude)

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