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> pyper

flashback narrative!

"here mom i have your medicine" said a 14 year old pyper as she walked into her mothers cold and dark room that once had a warm and inviting vibe to it.

her mother was barely able to respond to her as she had been bed ridden. elle williams had been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer 2 years ago. she put up a good fight but between the doctors visits, chemo sessions, and her dad barely being there through it all, sadly her fight was coming to an end. 

she heard the front door open and by the sound of the loud footsteps she knew they could only belong to her so called "father".

pyper walked into the kitchen where her 6 foot dad stood with hooded eyes and a look that could kill. clearly drunk off his ass. "no dinner?" her dads deep voice spoke. "well i had to get moms medication and clean the house, as well as..."

all of a sudden she heard a loud crash and flinched as her dad interrupted her by throwing a glass. "you ungrateful little shit!" her dad yelled. she sucked in her tears and stood there defeated. 

"i go out all day and work and expect some dinner on the table and you cant even do that?!" her dad yelled. he then walked back out the door, probably to drink some more. pyper was just glad her dad was gone.

she then walked back to her mom and laid next to her. "i miss your sweet voice mama. i know this wasnt your fault but it hurts" she sobbed into her mothers chest. as she closed her eyes all she could hear was her mothers labored breathing and the machines that were beeping. 

*2 weeks later*

all of a sudden pyper heard a loud, rapid, beating and then a flatline and she knew in her heart what was happening but didnt want it to become reality. she dropped her plate and ran to her mother in tears, trying to resuscitate her but nothing was working. 

"please mama dont! not yet!" she tried and tried but eventually she layed there with her mother, sobbing. 

"i love you. always." 

*a couple days later...*

she had made all the arrangements to have a small and quiet ceremony for her mother. she sat down in her mother's room, observing everything, looking at the pictures she kept of pyper, her wedding photos where she had her classic bright smile, and inhaling her scent that filled the room. 

all of a sudden, she heard the front door open and she knew it was one person and one person only. her dead beat of a dad. 

her father wasnt always like this. he was a quiet but gentle man. not a man of many words, but he cared for his girls. but, when his wife, elle, got diagnosed he became more closed off, he went to some doctors visits and signed the checks. but, when her health declined, he was no where to be found because he didnt want to except that this was reality. 

pyper turned to him, "do you even care that shes gone? have you ever cared about her?" she spit. of course he cared about elle, a piece of his soul left when his elle left. 

"i dont give a fuck." he said. she scoffed. "then youre a real piece of shit." she said. thats it. he had lost himself. he turned around with fire in his eyes. "youre a worthless kid who will never understand!" he struck her across the face and huffed and she cried "im never coming back to this fuckin house. enjoy your life without my money."

he walked out. she never saw him again.

questions ran through her mind. what now? how do i finish school? 

how do i survive on my own?

jor's corner;

hey! so idk how i feel abt this... ik this 1st chapters boring but itll get better hopefully! if you have any suggestions lmk! (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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