However she was hopeful, because tomorrow Hawk was supposed to come stay with her and her mom for a week. He was coming so he could attend her last competition, and cheer her on. But now he wasn't responding and (Y/n) was starting to get worried.


When dance practiced ended she quickly checked her phone. Still nothing.

So she changed her shoes and went out to her car to go home.

She walked through the door knowing the house would be empty with her mom working nights this week. After getting settled in her room she pulled out her phone to call Hawk.


Yes he finally answered!

"Hey baby! You all packed for tomorrow?" (Y/n) asked excited to finally hear his voice.

There was silence for a moment, "About tomorrow..."


"I'm not gonna make it..." Hawk trailed off.

"Are you serious? WHY?!"

"Listen Cobra Kai-"

You cut him off "You know what Eli no I can't do this anymore we are done."

(Y/n) hung up before she could hear his response, throwing her phone across the room. She buried her head in her pillow and cried herself to sleep.


The next day she woke up to her alarm on her phone going off across the room. When she went to check it she saw Hawk had called her seven times and sent her four texts.

 Hawk:                                                                                                                                                                                           please call me back 

(Y/n) please don't do this 

I still love you 

can we talk tomorrow?                                                                                                                                                         Read 7:04 am

'Fuck read receipts' (Y/n) thought. As quickly as this crossed her mind, her phone started to ring. Hawk. She answered not saying anything. 


"Hello Hawk." 

"Can we please talk about this?" 

"There's nothing left to say." 

Then (Y/n) hung up the phone deciding to get back in bed because school was not happening today. 


At noon (Y/n) woke up to a call from her mom. 

"(Y/n) are you okay?" 

"Yeah sorry mom I had a long night last night. Can we talk about it later?" 

"Sure honey. Are you still going to dance?" 

"Of course." 

"Ok I'll see you later honey."

---Time skip--- 

It was finally the day of the competition. (Y/n) should be excited. She had worked hard all season for this. Her mom even worked night all week just so she could have the entire day off. But as she eating breakfast with her mom all she could feel was sorrow. 

"Listen honey I'm sorry about Eli-"

"Hawk," you cut her off. 

"Right, well I'm sorry you guys broke up. But don't let that bring you down. Todays your day, and you've worked so hard for this."

(Y/n) forced a smile, "Thanks mom."


As she walked through the doors of the competition (Y/n) did start to feel nervous, and for the first time in a week, excited. She hugged her mom before they separated so (Y/n) could go backstage.

She hung out and got ready with her team before it was finally their turn. As she walked on stage her eyes scanned the crowd. There he was front row. Hawk. (Y/n) quickly looked away she had to focus on the dance.

When the dance ended (Y/n) made eye contact with Hawk one more time before walking off stage. Backstage she checked her phone and saw a text from Hawk. She couldn't believe he really came. They hadn't talked since the last phone call. 

You were awesome up their                     Read: 4:35 pm

She closed her phone and tried to distract herself by talking with her friends on the dance team. Before she knew it, it was time for rewards and all teams were called to the stage. 

Sitting on the stage they had started announcing the winners, but (Y/n) was on another planet. Making intense eye contact with Hawk in the audience. When her team was announced the winner (Y/n) hadn't even noticed until her friend pulled her to her feet. They were all screaming and jumping up and down, but (Y/n) just stood there not able to look away from Hawk. 


It was finally time for (Y/n) to come off the stage so she came down the steps trophy in hand. At the bottom of the steps stood Hawk with a bouquet of flowers. 

He handed you the flowers and said, "Oh my god (Y/n) you were so beautiful on stage. I'm so proud of you."

"What are you doing here?"

He sheepishly looked at her and said, "I came to surprise you."

(Y/n) coldly said, "It's too late. I told you we are done," and started to walk pass him.

Hawk quickly grabbed her arm trying to stop her. 

"So are you over me? Over me?"

"I know I'm tired of being sad all the time. Wondering when you'll call," (Y/n) blurted out, snapping her arm out of his grasp. 

She took a deep breath before continuing, "Do you have any idea how lonely I've felt these past few months?"

"I'm here now," Hawk let out quietly. 

(Y/n) exploded, "So I had to break up with you. For it to become important enough for you to come?!"

"Look I'm sorry long distance is hard, but I promise it'll get better!"


(Y/n) had to take a deep breath before continuing, "When was the last time we actually talked?"

Hawk felt the tears start to escape his eyes, "Please."

Tears already streaming down her face ruining her makeup, she looked down to her feet. 

"I don't want our story to end this way," Hawk said tears now flowing freely down his cheeks. 

(Y/n) walked away as Hawk watched her disappear into the crowd of people. 

When she found her mom she engulfed her into a hug. 

"I'm so proud of you baby!" 

Then her mom noticed (Y/n)'s puffy eyes and messed up makeup. She looked at her daughter worried.

"Is everything okay honey?"

(Y/n) once again forced a smile and said, "Yeah mom, everything is great. Let's go home." 

In the car (Y/n)'s mom looked over at (Y/n) who was just staring out the window.

"I saw that Hawk came after all." 

"Yeah about that..." (Y/n) said rubbing the back of her neck. 

"First I have some good news. We are moving back to the Valley!'

A/N: Part 2 maybe? Idk I got some ideas 😎

Cobra kai Hawk x Reader oneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin