𝐝𝐨𝐬 ⚡︎ 𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰

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| 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐖, signaling that there were five minutes before the hogwarts express left king's station.

through the smoky air, kingsley tried to brush off her mother's smothering,

"mom, mom!" finally wriggling out of cordelia's hold, "i'll be fine. i've done this before mother." she teased, knowing that the aged woman still found it hard to let go of her, despite this being her fifth year as a student at hogwarts.

"oh alright. just make sure to write every week, and keep up with your studies." pressing a kiss to her daughter's wild curls, she let kingsley make her way to the train.

"and behave!" kingsley waved a hand to let her know she had heard the warning and weaved her way into an empty booth.

pushing her trunks above the seats, an agitated bengal cat shook her cage, signaling that she was fed up with being constrained.

"oh stop indra. you're so dramatic." kingsley unlocked the cage with a sigh and the cat bolted out before settling next to her on the green velvet.

she fondly whispered, "so spoiled," before scratching the spotted cat behind her ears. once indra was satisfied with the amount of affection she was given, kingsley watched the other students say their goodbyes to family, waiting for luna to find the compartment.

"you would not believe the number of nargles i've seen on the train so far!" with a push of the door, a whirl of blond hair and luggage came in. luna landed next to her friend with an "oomph" and magiced her trunks to slide in nicely next to kingsley's.

"hi to you too moon." kingsley laughed, the nickname she had given luna years ago slipping out without thought.

"hello kingly." recovering from her wild entrance, and her calm facade settling, she pulled indra into her arms. the cat purring at the action, kingsley scoffed at her pet. "such a traitor."

"she just misses me that's all. that's right i haven't seen you in so long huh." luna cooed, cuddling indra.

giving up, kingsley curled up in the seat, with luna letting her rest her head on her thigh. she knew how motion sick kingsley got. it was better to just let her sleep the whole way to school.

however, the sullen, curly-haired girl's nap was quickly cut short with a slamming of a door. jolting out of her position, kingsley raised her head from under the table and looked to see who had taken their anger out on the poor door.

not surprisingly, it was draco malfoy.

there he was in the middle of the lane between booths, standing so still as if he was frozen. before she could stop it, her gaze met his and wandered down his profile, unconsciously picking out the new differences of his features after three months away.

his hair had gotten longer. not in an unkept way, but as if he'd spent a few too many nights stressed, running his fingers through his blond hair.

his clothes were tailored, the malfoy wealth still obvious. but to her displeasure, he filled out his robes in a way that made it impossible to look away.

"draco! come sit with us, there's a spot next to me!"
pansy parkinson tried and failed, to subtly drop the hint.

both kingsley and draco seemed to snap out of their separate trances at the sound of pansy's voice.

angry with herself at how she let her eyes and mind wander over malfoy, she watched in irritation as he
seemingly ignored pansy, and sneered in her and luna's direction. "what is lovegood doing here?"

"sitting. maybe try that instead of glaring at my best friend." kingsley cooly responded, matching his glare.

"she's a ravenclaw."


"this is a slytherin compartment."

"it's not that big of a deal malfoy. it's not like she's going to spill all of our secrets." kingsley mocked.

"she's not sitting here sloan."

"you're not the fucking minister malfoy."

"such a foul mouth witch. lovegood is not sitting in here. end. of. story." draco bit out, his fingers inching towards his wand.

kingsley let out a strangled sound, turned on her heel, bewitched her and luna's luggage to follow, and stormed out of the compartment with italian swears under her breath.

"i'm just going to go then." luna seemed to say to no one, scooped indra up into her arms, and slid out to find her best friend.

finding her down the main part of the train, she waited until she was sure steam was no longer coming out of kingsley's ears before talking.

"let's just find a new seat i'm sure we can find an empty one- oh look it's harry! let's ask if we can sit with them."

despite her sudden protests, luna pulled kingsley across the way and knocked on the window.

"luna! no, let's find an empty one c'mon.."

"it's fine what do you mean? the three of them are very nice."

"yes i'm sure the golden trio are fine and dandy but reputation has it they won't like me- hi!" kingsley cut herself out as luna slid open the door and the three friends turned towards them.

"um hi." ron weasley awkwardly said after a few moments of no one speaking.

"can we sit with you?" malfoy kicked luna out of the slytherin side." kingsley asked, trying to get over the fact that she's having a so-far civil conversation with gryffindors.

"sure! he's such a git." hermione moved towards the wall to make room for the girls.

"no kidding." she muttered and jumped when she heard the three best friends all laugh at her comment. relaxing a bit, she thought with a small smile that maybe gryffindors weren't all bad.

settling down with luna, they began a heated conversation about quidditch, something she found that she, harry, and ron share similar interest in. while luna and hermione was content talking about the newest book newt scamander had published.

soon, when it felt like no time had passed, kingsley felt the train slow to a halt and found herself back at school ready for a new year.

not me taking two months
to finish this- i hoped you liked
it regardless

getting a bit more banter
between them two tho 😩

anyway love all of you sm
don't forget to eat and drink
something today! 🤍

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