Chapter 2: The day after

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It was the day after the battle and the day after the passing of our noble Trollhunter. Everything on top world was going back to  normal. The sky's are blue, the weather is nice, and construction has started to rebuild the city of Arcadia. School has started and everyone is there. Our heroes are together in their first class, which is Senior Uhl.

"You shouldn't be here Claire. You need to be home"

"I can't be home. Wee need to find the amulet. Plus my parents keep asking where Jim is and I can't tell them, Tobi." Answered Claire. You see, when Troll Jim shattered, the amulet disappeared. Don't know how, don't know why. "Blinky and and Argh are out trying to find it and keeping and eye out for trolls and goblins, Merlin is using his magic to search for it, and others are searching around town for it. You can't do anything to help right now. You're too sick to use your shadow staff and you can hardly stand up right." Said Tobi.

"You're right. But I still can't sit around and do nothing. We need to find it before another big bad show's up to get their hands on it. And I don't need rest, I'm perfectly fine." Said Claire with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

No you're not. You need to go home and sleep. We can handle this." Answered Tobi. "The last time I 'went to get rest' , I got possessed by freaky evil which lady. I'll be fine."

And this is where I am ending off this chapter. Until the next update, readers.

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