A furocious loss

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Mr. Hoskins are you there Claire yells over the pounding wind into her cellphone. Yes Claire but what do you need.

We have a plan to take out the indominus Rex she says as the velociraptor run along side her and Owen on the motorcycle.

What is it he says well be using the trained raptors she yells back they should be enough she says. Okay but what if there not.

Mr.Hoskins get your biggest guns and meet us at Main Street. Claire hangs the phone up as they continue to drive on the motorcycle.

Um Claire where's Zach and gray Owen asks looking ahead into the dark Forrest.

There in town square. Why Owen yells. I thought they would be safe and I think they are she says.

Okay Owen says we're almost there but before Owen can turn the corner a dilophosaurus runs at they and they spin the bike causing Claire to fly ofthe bike and into a bush.

Owen crashes his bike into a tree and his leg is stuck under his motorcycle. Delta attack Owen yells as the dilophosaurus starts to come closer to Owen.

Delta runs and tackled the dilophosaurus. Good girl he yells to delta as Echo and blue stand there ready to fight.

Claire runs through the forest to get to Main Street. Claire Hears Owen screaming her name but she can't stop running she has to get gray and Zach.

Her phone rings so she quickly took it out of her pocket yes Vic (Hoskins) she says. We have a better idea Hoskins says. What might that be Claire pants into the phone. Well he says the tyranasaur might be able to kill it.

You realize that that can be bad for all of us. It's better than that thing Hoskins says into the phone that's plan b Claire says frowning.

She hangs up and runs to get into the vet unit but as she starts the car Owen and his raptor squad run beside the vet unit Owen yells Claire's name while he tries to pay attention on his motorcycle.

The raptor squad ram there head into the side of the vet unit. Owen Claire screams what are the raptors doing she yells to Owen.

I don't know the vet unit then hits a log and goes flying into the air causing Claire to scream as she hits the floor.

Owen she yells as the roar of the indominus Rex comes from Main Street Claire gets out of the vet unit and continues running. She runs down main street and is shocked to see the indominus Rex looking for the kids.

It puts its eyes by widows and roars to scare them out. Gray sits in a tent to the left of the indominus Rex it's only five feet away from him.

Grays eyes widen as the indominus Rex lets out a horrifying roar and this time gray can't hold it In he screams and the indominus Rex hears him. It begins to conjure up another roar by making a gurgling noise. Claire pulls out a flare no she says if we need this for the t. Rex I'm not using it now.

Instead she pulls out her self phone and waves it in the air and begins run back and forth. The indominus Rex notices her and begins to run towards her as it opens its mouth.

Claire runs and through the opening of a fossil manages to scream run to gray. Claire drops the phone and continues running from the indominus Rex.

As she turns the corner Owen stands there with echo delta and blue ready to attack. Thank god Claire says running behind him and hugging him.

The indominus Rex stands there 50 feet in the air and looks down at its next prey.

The three velociraptors run and pounce at the indominus Rex.

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