The Room Number 2662

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~ Room No. 2662 ~

I count my steps slowly

One step

Two steps

Three steps

The sound of my breath echoes in the corridor of the hotel

There are only ten steps left to my room door

My heart is pounding in my chest

I finally get to the front of the room

I gaze at the room number

Involuntarily, a half-smile sits on the corner of my lips

I open the door with trembling hands

I try not to show how anxious I am

I look like two- or three-year-old boys jumping up and down in excitement

I close the door slowly

This damn heart does not want to rest in my chest

I close my eyes and try to control the shaking of my hands

I move forward slowly and slowly

One step

Two steps

Three steps

when arriving at the bedroom door, I smile subconsciously

When I open the door, the same constant view appears before my eyes

On the bed, the person I love the most in the world, sunk into dreamland

I take a deep breath and move forward, trying to ignore the sound of my heart that beating like a racehorse galloping

With every step I take, his lovely and familiar perfume tickles my nose

I want to hug him tightly and say I miss you so much as same as missing a goldfish in the fishbowl for the sea

As much simple as much pure and as much innocently

Each time, when I see him again, I feel, as if for the first time

It seems that It's the first time we want to see each other secretly away from the eyes of reporters and fans and prying ordinary people!

Sometimes I feel a bunch of eyes following me, eyes that do not let me take a deep breath and never let me have a carefree moment

But to hell with it!

I do not give up my love for the sake of a handful of strangers!

January 6, 2022, Thursday at 6:26 AM...

The rustling of white sheets drives me out of my unmeaning thoughts

I go forward and try to hold back those damn tears that have gathered in the corners of my eyes and they have no hesitation in slipping on my cheeks

I put on a crooked and pale smile and sit on the edge of the bed

I move my trembling hand forward and stroke his disheveled black hair

I bend my head and kiss him gently in the corner of his right eye

He folds his nose and opens his eyes and says

did you come?

his voice like spring morning rain resonates into my ears and calms my heart


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