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This is a collection of AU's for Danganronpa. Game will be included in the title.


Chapter three must have two victims, no exceptions.

Just because someone is the protagonist, doesn't mean they can't be a killer, or even a mastermind.

Suicide plots are allowed. One character can kill themself if RNJesus decides so.

The game ends after six chapters. Not when the amount of remaining students equals canon.

Izuru will be included separately from Hajime. Mukuro will be her own character, not disguised as Junko.

Mechomaru is not included. Twogami is.

There is never more than one killer, associates are allowed, but it is up to you to figure out, associates will die.

Killers and Masterminds are always executed, no exceptions.

Masterminds are the final spin, to ensure they last until Chapter Six. Whoever is left at the end of Chapter Six is a survivor.

Only one Mastermind per seed.

Please at least watch someone play through the Danganronpa Series to understand better. I guess there doesn't really need to be spoilers because randomizer.

If you decide to generate these yourself, get a wheel website, a list of all students from each game, (The Danganronpa wiki on Fandom.com can help.)

If you want to, you can give randomized seeds to me in my Wattpad inbox for posting here! You guys can use the comments to decide how each murder plays out!

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