Chapter 21: The Quidditch Cup

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!" shouted Cindy McGonagall through her mirror at Harry. Both he and Aunt Minnie had put off telling his parents about the Chamber of Secrets business, but the truth had finally come out in a conversation between his mom and his aunt a few minutes before. Harry hadn't even gotten any warning before his mom called him. She had just finished allowing him to explain his side of the story. He was currently alone in C.A.R.E. headquarters. "You could've been killed! You promised not to use that cloak to get in dangerous situation!"

"No, I didn't," answered Harry. "I promised not to use it to go somewhere students weren't allowed. I did not wear it in the Chamber of Secrets."

"That's just a technicality," she countered. Harry noticed that her face was getting pink.

Standing his ground, Harry responded calmly, "If I hadn't done it, then Ginny Weasley, an eleven-year-old girl, would be dead right now, and a younger version of Voldemort would be back. He'd have probably attacked the school from the inside and killed every muggle-born here. He'd probably have included me in that number. I'm not going to apologize for saving lives."

His mom took a deep breath, obviously trying to calm herself. "I understand that you didn't have time to call anyone else, and I suppose it was the right thing to do, but you could have easily been killed. Promise me you won't do that again."

With a cheeky grin, Harry said, "I promise I won't follow a possessed Ginny Weasley into the Chamber of Secrets ever again."

Making a face at her son, Cindy rebutted, "Promise me you won't purposely go into dangerous situations again."

Harry sighed. He knew he couldn't lie to his mother properly. "I can't promise that." His mom opened her mouth to reply, but he cut her off. "I do promise that if I can, I'll get proper help. However, in that situation, I didn't have time. It was our one chance and I took it, and I don't regret it."

She sighed. "I wonder if that's just part of being Harry Potter. Aunt Minnie said there was a prophecy about you and Voldemort."

"I doubt that. Unless it says something like, 'The Dark Lord won't leave Harry Potter alone until one of them kills the other,' then I think it's just coincidence."

His mom giggled for a moment. "I suppose not."

"Then we're all right," asked Harry. "I'm not in trouble?"

"I guess not, but please, please be careful for the rest of the year."

"Okay," agreed Harry. "Bye."

"I love you," she said.

"Loveyoutoo," he muttered before deactivating the mirror.

He had just put it back in his pocket when the door opened. The last person he ever expected was standing there with large glasses that made her eyes look huge and shawls. Harry faintly detected the aroma of cooking sherry in the air. He knew who she was, but before he could say anything, she focused on him with an obviously fake vacant expression on her face. "My dear boy, the inner-eye has told me that that you are about to make a grave mistake. It has shown me that you possess the sight, but are considering letting this precious gift go to waste." She sighed in a melodramatic way, putting her hand on her forehead before continuing. "I see that someone in your family has turned you away from the noble art, but you must see beyond her prejudices and realize that she only doubts because she envies your gift granted by fate and wishes your soul to be as dry and shriveled up as hers."

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