Chapter 13: Justice Part Two

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As Harry and Hermione's families were making their way to the Ministry of Magic's atrium, doing their best to ignore the cameras and questions that the press had for them, an unfamiliar voice shouted happily at them.

"Minerva! Or should I say Deputy Headmistress McGonagall, it's sooo good to see you again!" Harry looked around for the source to see a blond man flamboyantly dressed in light purple dress robes.

"Do I know you?" she asked, as the man grabbed her into a brief one-armed hug. She was too shocked to do anything before he let go of her immediately after a photo was taken. Harry noticed that the stranger had made sure to show his perfect teeth to the camera.

"I suppose I have changed a lot since we last saw each other. My smile has gotten better and my muscles have expanded, but surely you remember your favorite former pupil, Gilderoy Lockhart."

Aunt Minnie's brow furrowed as she tried to recall. "Yes," she said tersely after a few seconds. "I do remember you. Based off your O.W.L.'s you weren't…"

"Yes; I wasn't proud enough for beating even your record," interrupted Lockhart jovially. "When I was informed that the press that was supposed to be at my recent book-signing for my autobiography, Magical Me, which incidentally is celebrating its twenty-eighth week atop the Daily Prophet best-seller list, was occupied with this story of my former head of house's struggle against the politics of…"

Minerva looked at him like he was insane. "Weren't you in Slyth…"

"I certainly was incensed to learn that one of our peers was abusing his authority…"

"Our peers?" she asked with an annoyed expression.

"Yes, as I'll explain in a minute. I knew I had to show you my support and make my grand announcement here instead of at Flourish and Blotts. I have been contracted to be Hogwarts' new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and will thus insure that my subject shall not fall victim to the poor quality of teaching that Potions has. Not to mention that I'll be on the alert for the slightest hint that any other professor is not up to snuff. Together, Professor McGonagall and I shall protect Hogwarts from corrupt authority figures, so that students shall feel safe to confide in their professors once more."

Harry's group escaped during the applause that followed Gilderoy's 'impromptu' speech. Briefly, the boy wondered how Lockhart would've reacted if he'd known that the 'Boy-Who-Lived' had been less than five feet from him. As it was, he didn't want to see the next morning's Daily Prophet – no doubt with Aunt Minnie hugging Lockhart on the front page. He glanced back in time to see Dumbledore and Snape disapparate away without answering any questions. However, Snape had managed to send a venomous look at Harry and Hermione before leaving, which Harry happily noted was photographed. Nothing could ruin Harry McGonagall's mood today! With a genuine smile still plastered on his face, he joined the Grangers in the line at the Visitor's Exit to Muggle London. The rest of his family followed.


The Grangers and McGonagalls (even Brianna – just for the night) went out to a muggle restaurant that had games for the kids to play, along with an arcade designed to empty parents' wallets, one game at a time, as kids asked for more and more money. When they were on their way home, Minerva noticed something in the sky.

"Idiot!" she hissed quickly. "It looks like Dedalus Diggle is sending shooting stars again – just like he did when You-Know-Who was vanquished eleven years ago."

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