Chapter Two

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In the royal courtyard, Prince Adam was duelling with Teela, steel meshing with steel, both of them carrying on the awkward topic of conversation from earlier, each of them fixated on one-upping the other.

"Well Adam? Are you going to confirm or deny it?"

"You know me Teela, I give out so little you can't tell either way"

"A little? That would imply there's a lot more you're not telling me"

Teela's side of the duel intensified, feeling the need to pour her frustration out in a sporting fashion, but Adam was more than keen to meet her half-way, and valiantly defended himself, taking the fight right back to her

"He-Man's concerned about you"

That Adam was still concealing something from her, even in light of what she had told him, pushed Teela firmly back into the fight. She furiously lashed out with the sword, taking several mighty steps forward, making it harder for Adam to deflect her.

"I won't hear another one of your excuses Adam. That experience earlier today got me thinking a lot lately about what I want in life and the one thing I keep coming back to is the truth"

"The truth?"

Teela threw her sword down, her face displaying more emotion and vulnerability.

"About you, I've known for the longest time but I always suppressed it, almost on instinct"

"Maybe your instincts were trying to tell you something Teela..."

Teela suddenly smiled, she had successfully lulled Adam into a false sense of security, and her gambit would now pay off in jubilant, and juvenile, fashion. She swiftly tightened her grip on both of his hands and tossed him over her shoulders to the ground, placing one foot firmly on his chest.

"Not quite a He-Man where it counts are you?"

"Guess that means you won't pursue this any further..."

"Think again"

"But you saw how I was just there..."

Teela rolled her eyes, and offered her hand to lift Adam up, as he takes her hand in his and pulls himself to his feet, their eyes lock for just an instant, a lifetime of friendship and love connecting through their stares, they stared upwards, their spirits lifted and enriched by the constellation of stars above before turning to one another again.

"I was just teasing you Adam, I always teased you, even when we were kids"

"Yeah, I remember. It could really hurt my feelings sometimes"

"I never meant any real harm by it, I liked you, I just thought you needed a little more fire in your veins is all"

"I think I need a glass of water, I hear that always helps put a fire out"

Teela let out a laugh.

"Again with the 'weak and timid' act? Adam, I thought I trained you to be far better than that. Are you going to tell me all that skill and strength as He-Man comes from somewhere else? Do you even need me?"

A hint of dread washed over Teela as she contemplated the unthinkable.

"You...don't need me do you?"

Teela was now much tenser, wrapping her arms over her own shoulders, briefly shaking. He put both his hands on hers. This time, Teela made no sudden attempt to throw him to the floor again.

"Is that what you're afraid of Teela?"

"I-I don't know anymore Adam, everything I thought I was doesn't seem to make much sense realising what I do now about you"

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