With thicker clothes and no more bag she left the room to see Legolas already waiting for her.
With a smile he took in her new appearance.
Without the hat and with the more neat braids he had made in her hair a while back she really seemed to be more of a part of his world which brought joy and hope to his heart.

"No hat?" he asked.
"To scared to loose it." she explained and he nodded with a gentle smile.

He stepped closer to the pirate and carefully adjusted her new tunic. The closure at her neck had been fastened wrong, carefully he opened it while whispering a small explanation.

"You closed it wrong. It wont hold like that."

Then his nimble fingers moved to close it again, correctly this time. The tips of his fingers touched her neck giving her goose-bumps and sending a shiver down his own spine. When he was done he didnt move away yet instead neatening out the fabric on her shoulders his hands gliding over the fabric oh so smoothly.

Y/n was quite aware that he had most definitely stepped closer to her than he needed too in order to be to help her dress properly. But she didn't mind. She didn't mind it a bit.

When he was done he didn't step away, he stayed in front of her and let their eyes meet.
"I'm quite glad that you'll come along for our journey. I would have missed you." he spoke quietly.
Y/n smiled.
"I didn't think not coming was an option." she joked and the elf chuckled lightly.
For a while they silently gazed into each other's eyes before Legolas could remove himself from the spell she had unintentionally cast on him once again.
"One last thing." he turned to the bench once more before holding out a bow made of dark-oak wood along with a matching quiver, out to her.
"A bow?"
"It is best to have a long range weapon."
"I don't think I've shot with a bow before."
"Don't worry. I'll gladly teach you. Come along we will start our journey tomorrow so we still have the rest of the day."
Y/n happily followed after the elf to the training grounds.

First he showed her how to hold the bow and let her copy his stance. He walked behind her putting his arms around to correct her pose, then quickly stepped away, not wanting to invade her privavcy too much.

Raising the bow and pulling the arrow back y/n tried to aim at the round target 30 feet away. Then she shot. The arrow cut through the air and seemed to travel to its goal on a direct way until itlost its power and the iron tip burrowed into the ground just a few inches before the target.
Y/n narrowed her eyes in disappointment, yet the elf seemed pleased.
"Very well for your first shot." he praised.
"Aimings different from what I'm used to." the pirate justifyed herself even though it wasn't needed.

Shooting an arrow was very different from a gun, to noones surprise. The arrow was  lighter than a bullet and it's direction could be changed by the wind. It was also a bit slower and it's falling curve was tighter, she felt as if she hadn't used nearly enough power.
With a slight frown on her lips she raised the bow again. She aimed at the target but made sure to raise the tip of the arrow higher than she had before. Then she let go.
The shot looked promising as it flew towards the wooden board, this time actually hitting it. She didn't hit the middle but the bottom of the target.
"I have to aim even higher?" she spoke in bewilderment.
"Your learning quick, I have not seen many students hit the mark on their second try. And most of those times it was luck."
"Huh? You sain' I lucked out?" she protested loudly.
He didn't answer, instead only smirked.
"I'll show you luck." she grumbled before trying a third time,aiming just a little higher and more to the right then before.
And again it hits its mark, closer to the middle this time.
"See!" she exclaimed proudly and pointed at her accomplishment as if he hadn't noticed.
The elf chuckled before raising his hand and placing it on her had for only a moment saying: "You have to aim faster, that way the arrow holds more power." before raising his own bow and shooting the arrow so quickly, she wasn't even sure he aimed at all but he must have as he hit the very middle of the target.
"Show-off." she muttered under her breath making Legolas immediately turn his head to her and raise his brow, to which she quickly flashed him a grin before raising her bow to about the same height as it was before, or at least so she thought, and immediately shooting waseting not even a second with actually aiming.

This one had more power than the previous ones but missed her goal. While the arrow had the correct height to hit the middle it went past the target and burrowed into the ground behind it.
Then she turned her head towards Legolas with a provoking grin.
The elf shook his head chuckling a little.
"Not quite that fast."

And so their day continued. She was indeed a fast learner.

The next morning she was awoken early by the blond elf. The pirate couldn't help but scrunch her nose in anger. A deep rumble in her chest as she turned to escape the gentle fingers of the elf on her shoulder.

The bed was just too soft. She hadn't laid on something so soft in years. Hammocks, while fun, weren't the best for ones neck.
The elf chuckled softly.
"Come on, you don't want to be late do you?"
"Pirate's nev'r late. Just... not ready." she mumbled her words bearly audible.
Legolas rolled his eyes and lowered himself further down.
"Wake up Sailor. Or do you want me to carry you out?"
" 'u wouldn't..."
"Is that so?"
Before y/n could answer his, what she thought was a rhetorical question, she felt a pair of hands be pushed under her. Her eyes immediately snapped open and panicked she rolled off of his hands before she was even lifted up an inch.
The elf laughed out loud a wide smile on his lips while y/n glared at him pulling the thin blanket higher up.
The pirate kept grumbling but did swing her legs over the edge of the bed and went to retrieve her clothes. Quickly the elf left so she could have her privacy while getting dressed.

It didn't take long after that for the rest of the unlikely group to meet at the gates of Rivendell.

Lord Elrond stood behind them with a large group of other elfs of wich she only recocnized lady Arwen who had her eyes fixated on Aragorn. Then Lord Elrond started to speak.

"The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further that you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you."

"The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer." spoke the old man who she had learned was named Gandalf.

The boy, who she has found out was a hobbit, just like the other small men, walked past all the people he would spent the next months and possibly years of his life with. Y/n made sure to give him a reasuring smile though she wasn't sure he noticed. He started walking ahead, hesitating for just a moment before turning to the left,leading the way for the Fellowship.


All of your comments are so sweet. I'm gonna cry. <3

Also picture above by me and arching lesson inspired by my badass sister. ;)

(edited because I remembered that they get the cloaks in Lothlorién and not in Rivendell so I changed it a bit.)

~2107 words

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