Red Fire

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Dedicated to RubyGur

Years went by real quick.It felt it was yesterday when they were toddlers and playing around the garden.Not forgetting a chance to tease the other.Look at them grown up to be two fine young men.

Today is the day of the red moon,the day when these two vampires will get their powers.Aurora and Alessia are preparing to celebrate this.

All of the vampires are ready to celebrate their princes birthdays and hoping for them to just grow out of their childishness of thinking the other as their enemy.

Today is a special so the two have decided not to get onto the others throat for the day.

Light warm breeze flew through the leaves the tree.Giving it a fluttery feeling.Air around the garden was fresh.Filled flowers it is pleasent sight for anyone.To add more beauty to this magnificent garden there stood a fine young man.Even if his back is visible anyone can guess who he is.

The face that would leave you in awe.Simply mind-blowing.Looking at him feels like God has favourites.Beautiful bloody red hair like the moon which is gonna rise the night.Body sculpted by the Greek gods.Even better than Adonis.

What was he doing here you may wonder.He was devising plans on how to irritate his beloved enemy and ruin his not so peaceful life.

"Prince Taehyung, the queen is calling for you" One of the servants announced interrupting his thoughts.

"I will be there,You may go".His commading deep voice echoed through the garden.It was like honey dripping down sweetest of it making you feel it deep in the pits of your stomach.

He strided through the hallways.Who ever saw him stopped one moment in awe seeing such a ethereal being.His footsteps so soft yet powerful.It leaves wondering how could someone walk so quietly.

He reached the library where his mother always resides in such lazy afternoons.As always he saw her sitting on of the plush chairs deep in her book.Dressed in an elegant green satin gown,hair tied up in a bun showing her more youthful than she already is.

"Mother,You called for me" Taehyung asked pulling her out of her from deep in the book.

"Yes Taehyung.Come on sit beside me".She said patting the chair next to her.

After being seated she quietly kept her book down the smooth surface of the black glass table.

"Taehyung,today you are coming of age tonight.You are gonna get your powers and take over the empire.All the vampires,our subjects,are eagerly waiting for it.But what about the one who will rule beside you your significant other have you chosen them" She said.

Taehyung didn't reply for some moments before replying," Mother I may have not chosen my significant other but i am still capable of ruling this empire without them. I may be a bit childish at times but don't worry i will not disappoint Father and our empire. I do understand your worry".He said comforting her.

" I know, i have raised such a brave tiger. You will be the best ruler. I believe in you son".Queen Kim said brushing her hands through his hair.

" I am taking my leave mother. I will go prepare for tonight".

Taehyung said and disappearing from there leaving his mother alone lost in her thoughts.

Walking away from the library to his chamber the red head could only think about what his mother said.His significant other.

He never thought of any girl who is fit to be his wife.Seeing any girl never arose feelings in his heart.

What could he do.He knows his father is gonna urge him sooner or later to get a bride for himself.

Taehyung let out a deep sigh.Leavimg it in the back of his head choosing to worry about tonights celebration where he would meet him.

Oh he certainly look forward to it.Not seen him for some while cause of his training.

Look forward to the meet with his enemy.

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Hey.I know i haven't updated for a while now.It is exactly a month before i updated on my birthday.Exam stress cause exams are still going on and i have one more tomorrow.Wish me luck🤞.

Today is my grandma's birthday 🎉.So Wishing her and you guys a good day.


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