Life In The Land Of Orange

Start from the beginning

Morgan giggled, momentarily forgetting about the problem she was facing.
But they soon stopped joking, and the boy's eyes went sad. He gave a small, strained smile.

And then it struck her.
Morgan springend back in shock, the boy had to quickly catch her before she tripped.
"Y-you're the boy from the photo!"
His face contorted into confusion.
"My Daddy has a photo of you. In the kitchen. He looks at it alot."
"That's - kinda creepy to be honest. Who is your dad?"

Morgan is ashamed to say that she had to think for a moment before remembering her Dad's name - she normally just called him Daddy.
That got his attention.
"Stark? Tony Stark?"
Morgan nodded.
"O-oh my God. Tony Stark is your Dad. That is so weird! My name is Peter - I was his intern and um...stuff. Who is your mom? Pepper, right? Oh my God Mr Stark had a kid! This is crazy!"
Morgan stood there, rather impatiently.
"Anyways..." she started. "Can we figure out how to get me back?"

"This," Peter gestured towards the tree. "Is what I call 'The living tree' because it's the only thing that's actually alive here, besides from me."
Morgan squinted at him, unamused.
"Whatever. Anyways. Today, right before you -" he poked her - "Showed up, I noticed that there was an apple growing on it."
"Which is unusual because?"
"It never grows apples. How long have I been here again?"
"I was born right after the blip, so five years."
Peter breathed an unsteady breath.
"Wow. That's um - long time. So you're five?"
"Mhm! I turned five last month. Daddy says I'm growing up very fast."
Peter gave a small smile, before clearing his throat and turning back to the tree.
"I have this feeling - my Peter tingle. I think if we eat this apple, we could both go back!"
"Really? An apple? That's so dumb."
"Just trust me, okay? If I'm wrong we're just the same as before."
Finally, Morgan gave in.
"Fine. But if it doesn't work I'm blaming you."
Peter grinned, and turned around so Morgan could climb on his back.
"Hang on!" He yelled, and began to scale the tree at an inhuman pace.
Soon they reached the top, and Morgan reached out and plucked the apple from the branch.

When they were on the ground, Morgan handed Peter the apple.
"Okay, so you have a bite,and then I'll bite the other side."
"That's unsanitary."
"It's what's gonna get us out of here. Suck it up buttercup."

"Whatever." Morgan rolled her eyes. "I wanna know how you got up that tree so fast."
"When we get back to the world of the living I'll show you."
"I promise. And I'll give you piggy backs all day long."
"That sounds fun." Morgan replied, her voice quiet.

"Okay, you ready?"
Morgan nodded, taking the apple.
She locked eyes with Peter, and took a bite.
Peter looked at her hands and gasped.
"Look! Look at your hands! They're dissappearing!"
Sure enough, her hands were looking strangely see through, and the rest of her was following.
"Take another bite!"
Morgan bit the apple again, and the see through-ness spread to her arms.
Morgan kept eating the apple, more of her body dissappearing every time.
She was so caught up in the excitement that she didn't realize she had already eaten more than half of the apple.
Peter had noticed though, and his face fell. Morgan looked up, confused as to why he had stopped cheering her on.
Then she realized.
There was barely one bite left.
"It's okay." he whispered, smiling softly. "You need to get back to your family. I'll be fine."
"But -"
"Tell your Dad it's okay, it wasn't his fault and there was nothing he could have done, okay?"
"O-okay." she sniffed.
"Go on, take the last bite." 

Tears swam across Morgan's vision, streams had already made their way down Peter's face.
She hugged him, her translucent arms wrapped around his neck as they sobbed together.
"You can do this." He whispered.
She nodded slowly, taking the apple in her hand once more.
And she ate the last bite.
The last thing she saw before her world descended into darkness once more, was Peter, mouthing 'goodbye'.


Morgan's eyes slowly fluttered open, and she was immediately flooded with hospital lights.
"M-mom? Daddy?"
Pepper and Tony were sat at her bedside, fussing over the little 5 year old.
"We were so worried!"
"You really scared me,  kiddo."

The couple went silent.
"What?" Tony whispered.
"The boy from your photo! He is Peter Parker!"
"How do you know about Pete, Momo?"
"I met him! When I was unconscious! He told me to tell you that it's not your fault, and there was nothing you could have done. I don't really know what he was talking about though."
Tony and Pepper looked more than shocked.
"Did you ever tell Morgan about Peter?" Pepper asked Tony.
He shook his head wordlessly.
"Morgan, I need you to tell the truth. How did you find out about Peter?"
"When I fell. I woke up in a weird orange land. And then I met Peter. And we found an apple that we had to eat in order to go home, but it only worked for one person, so he let me go home."

Needless to say, the couple was Baffled.


1 year later

Tony gasped as the portals opened, barely believing his eyes. They all came back. Sam, Bucky, Quill, the whole lot. But there was one face he had yet to see.

"Mr Stark! Oh my God, hi!"
The puppy dog brown eyes that were so familiar twinkled at him, full of life.
Tony couldn't speak, all the words that he needed to say got stuck in his throat. So he pulled the kid in for a tight hug, one that he had never gotten.
"Did Morgan get back?"
He stopped.
"Oh. It was probably my imagination then. I could swear I met a kid called Morgan heh."
"N-no. Kid, Morgan fell out of a tree a year ago. When she woke up she talked about meeting you, something about a magic apple."
Peter's face lit up.
"So it was real! Man would I like to see her again! I missed her when she left."
"She's gonna love you, Pete."
And Tony just held him tighter.

Somebody told me that they preferred it being in Morgan's imagination, so if you do, just ignore the last section, I just wanted to add in some actual irondad.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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