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Gulf - do I know you he played the dumb card.

Sorry I forget to introduce myself I am sarawat you can call me wat I am also an alpha king and your mate best friend queen but what are you doing here without the kings.

Gulf lost all the colours he had just by hearing it.

But someone stopped them not just one person but two from both sides two voices came what's taking you so long gulf knew one of the voices it was type but he didn't know about the other voice.

Type - guys what's taking you so long we need to leave before gulf get in trouble again but was cut by someone hugging him tightly it was the other guy...

Mate, he said and gulf almost fainted, he was held by two men one was tine other was the new guy wat.

Wat- don't touch other man mate I will handle him.

Tine- I am tine not mate and he is my friend I will handle him you leave.

Type - leave me jerk who the hell are you.

Oh I forget to introduce myself I am tharn and your mate I am so happy I finally found you.

Gulf - guys I will make it easy tine and type are humans.

Tharn - luna queen what are you doing here all alone?

Gulf - what are you guys talking about.

Tharn - don't dare to lie luna we know you, you are alpha mew, alpha bright and alpha wins mate and you are the youngest son the former queen and the king.

Gulf - no I am not, I don't know any of the people you mentioned you have mistaken me for someone else.

Wat - then how do you know we are not humans but something else and you have alphas scent all over you he held gulfs wrist, are you trying to run away luna.

Tine- leave me friends hand, you guys are crazy he is our friend and just helped him escape his kidnappers and we all are in a hurry.

Wat - not so soon mate no one is leaving, luna wait here don't try to run away we will run find you and mate you don't try my patience.

Wat got his phone out and started calling someone gulf was already shivering in fear of the brothers what will they do if they find gulf, he was already in trouble.

Gulf - guys you run away there is no way I can please save yourselves and run without me.

Type and tine - no way we are leaving you all by yourself if we die.. let's die together.

Gulf - please understand it's nothing fun please leave

Tharn - not so soon no one is leaving especially you mate you will come with him as soon as the kings arrive and luna tine you will follow king wat.

Gulf - luna? Tine?

Tharn - luna gulf, I your alphas and me all are kings so you three will be luna.

Type - what is luna? And what kings.

Tharn - smiled I will explain everything at home mate.

Wat was trying to call gulfs alpha but no one was picking up.

Wat - what should we do alpha tharn should I call on their cells.

Tharn - ya try that alpha wat

Wat called again on mews phone and he finally picked after a few tries.

Mew - alpha we are kinda in between something important our mate ran away is there something important.

Wat - alpha mew don't worry we found your luna you do not need to worry anymore.

Mew - gulf heard mew telling win and bright about this and he could hear them be happy about it.

Mew - please keep an eye on him till we reach there can you please give the phone to our mate I have something important.

Wat - sure alpha

Wat passed gulf the phone and sat near fine his whole body was shivering in fear he was scared of mew now.

Mew - gulf

Gulf - hm

Mew - gulf I will be very clear don't try to run away from there be a good boy and wait for our arrival till then you can have a little freedom with your friends because promise as soon as we get you we won't leave your for a single second also.

Gulf - mew but he hung up he started calculating how long does he has before the angry alphas arrive.

Tharn- they will be here in an hour till then let's eat something.

Type tine sat with tharn and what and gulf a bit far, both the alphas were thinking about how beautiful their mates are.

Tharn - luna how long have you known queen gulf and luna tine.

Tine - I am not queen, I am a guy can't you see.

Wat - baby you are my mate so you will be called luna queen like luna queen gulf and luna queen type.

Type - guys what is luna and what queen and what are we waiting for.

Tharn - we are waiting for alpha mew bright and win when they take their brother and luna we can go home.

Type - brother??? Gulfs brother??

Tharn - yes mate queen gulfs brothers.

Tine - you fucker from when do you have brothers.

Wat - language mate

Type - I don't understand anything.

Gulf couldn't focus on anything his mind on the angry brothers who will be here anytime soon which scared him...

Type - why are you so silent gulf it's weird seeing you so quiet.

Tharn - maybe your friend is scared of his alpha I can bet your friend will be pregnant before tomorrow only.

Type /tine - pregnant can't you see he is a guy.

Wat ignored their question too laughed its good that our mates are already friends.

Tine - say something gulf what is your mind.

? - Maybe he is thinking what is going to happen to him...

Bad move baby boy....

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