6| The Warrior Queen

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"I would like to visit my guest chambers first." The ManipurKanya said after a short but polite talk with the Prime Minister of Hastinapur. "I take it that those in my servitude have already reached here?"

"Of course, My Lady. A servant will take you to your rooms." Vidur replied, his eyes warm yet tensed. "Would the Queen not attend the Ceremony?"

"Oh, the Queen never said that." Chitrangada answered swiftly, her lips curling upwards to reassure him. "There is some business that needs attending first."

Vidur nodded and called one of the dasis, ordering her to take Her Highness to her assigned chambers.

"This is your chamber, Your Majesty." The Dasi bowed as they stopped at the entrance of a big chamber.

"Hmm. Thank you. You may go now."

As she entered the chamber, she saw that all her servants were busy in their tasks, some were putting her clothes in the wardrobe, some were picking out her favorite books from the bookshelf the Kurus had kept, some were arranging jewelries by the mirror, none paying attention to whom had entered.

She coughed, gaining their attention. Some of her servants squeaked, before bowing low and crying, "Glory to the Queen!"

Chitrangada smiled, accepting their greeting with one blink, her eyes roaming around the lavish chamber, the pillars of which were made of sandalwood, carved over them were figures of fine marble peacocks. The King sized bed was draped with magenta velvet, making her want to jump on it and sleep the night away. Attached to it was a bath which was streaming with hot water at the moment, for her servants knew that she would like to clean herself before attending a royal feast. On the other side was a large balcony, from which the whole scenery of a bright Hastinapur was visible. But something over there was out of place, which irked her.

"Is that a monkey on the Balcony railing?" Chitrangada frowned, her perfect eyebrow arching upwards. "Is this a tradition of Hastinapur that I am unaware of?"

"Not quite, Maharani." The woman she knew as Malini replied, a gentle smile on her face. "It has been there since we arrived. It was not causing us trouble, so we decided to do the same. It seems like there are many monkeys in this Kingdom."

"I see. Very good, that's basic human decency." She grinned back, pleased. "Is the bath ready, Malini?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Which one will you prefer?" She replied, holding a tray with different bottles of essential oils.

"Lavender, Malini."

 "Okay, Maharani. This way, please."

She followed her, waiting patiently as the women removed her armor and the little ornaments she wore before clearing out, leaving her in privacy to strip and relax. Chitrangada entered the huge tub, spreading her arms on the edge as she let the warm water soak her fair skin. Once she was left alone with her thoughts, they went wild. And this was one of such moments.

Chitrangada, whatever others may think, did not usually attend these kind of parties, considering them a waste of time. She did not need any political alliance for security as long as she minded her own business and did not support any war. But that did not mean she would not be able to protect her Queendom when she would have to. So why exactly was she here? Well, she had heard a few tales and wanted her eyes to confirm if they were true. After all, every Kingdom of Aryavart was invited. They must be here too.

And she hope that those tales were true.

Sitting in front of the mirror, Chitrangada waited for the ladies to finish up their work and when they did, they moved aside, letting the Warrior Queen admire her form that was clad in rose and white coloured sari.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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