1| Intention to Intervene

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"Vidur, what do you think of this Karn guy?" Dhritarashtra asked his brother.

"He is very...different from others, Jyesht." Vidur replied. "But I am not sure whether or not his company is good for Duryodhan. Do you think the commoners will accept him as Yuvraj if he refers to Angaraj, a sutaputra, as his best friend?"

Maharaj nodded in agreement. If Duryodhan wants to be the Yuvraj, he has to sacrifice a few things.

And his friendship with that Sutaputra will be one of them.


Shani put down his mirror that showed him any moment from any lok. He was angry, irritated.

Why was everyone on Earth seeing his baby brother in a bad light?

Okay, maybe Karn was not a baby for the royals of Hastinapur, but to Shani, who was centuries old, Karn was a baby who deserved to be pampered.

But these people in Hastinapur? They were treating Karn as someone inferior just because he had grown up in a Suta household, doing everything from deeming his company to be negative to planning to use his potential for their own benefit.

Vidur was trying to male Karn look like some kind of social climber. This surprised Shani, that even the Mahamantri of Hastinapur would think like that about someone just because he was, as stated by the Vyasputra, of low birth status [Shani laughed bitterly here], given that he was also born to a maid.

Duryodhan was being a fool by listening to Shakuni and his venomous plans. This was not why you befriended him in the first place, Gandharinandan!

Dhritarashtra was not using that part of his brain that was not driven by Putra moh, Shani doubted he even had it.

Arjun was too fixed to prove himself the best. Shani sighed. Honestly, what did he expect from Indra's son?

Bheem was painfully insulting Karn, mocking him everytime he was near.

The elder of the twins, Nakul, also used to pass snide remarks on his brother, while Sahdev stayed quiet. A wise decision, really.

But what surprised Shani was that Yudhishitr looked at Karn and Duryodhan with longing and jealousy, like he wanted to be in Duryodhan's place. But still, he stayed quiet as his brothers insulted the Suryaputra as 'Sutaputra'.

And of course, there was Kunti. Shani gritted his teeth. Kunti. The woman who abandoned his brother when he was an infant. The Karmfal Daata did not want to think about that woman.

These people needed to realize Karn's worth.

Shani wanted to do...something. Anything. So his brother gets the respect he deserves.

Suddenly, an idea came in his clever mind and he rushed off to find all his siblings, minus the eldest.


Yami listened to her brother, eyes widening in excitement as he shared his plan with them. The Surya santans sat in a circle in Tapati's room, and by the looks their faces bore, they were extremely interested and invested in what Shani was saying.

"This is a brilliant idea, Bhrata." Nasatya breathed out as Shani finished.

"I agree!" Dasra, his twin, exclaimed.

Shani smiled. He knew his siblings would like this idea. After all, his siblings wanted to meet Karn as badly as he did.

His smile flattered. "But there's a problem."

Everyone turned to him, perplexed. What was the problem? "We know that Jyesht can convince Pitashree and Mahadev, but who will convince Jyesht to convince Pitashree and Mahadev to let us go to Dharti Lok?"

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