"Oh pleasure to meet you, Kim Dahyun, I-I will don't worry." that's all I could respond.

"Well, let's take a picture! Come here you two." she said taking out here phone.

She went beside Mina so Mina was between us, I could just smile nervously and I could see Mina smile nervously as well and Dahyun just kept on clicking the button.

Mina's friend is bubbly, she's not shy and as if she's not aware that I'm the queen but just and ordinary friend.

Finally it was time and Momo told us we'll be escorted to the throne room now and even offered herself to guide Dahyun to a good seat when an usher could just do that..

Minasighed deeply and so did I.

The big doors of the throne room opened before us and the wedding march song started playing all the people in the throne room were all in awe especially in Mina as she was stunning as we walk together down the aisle.

Again, there weren't many guests unlike during my coronation since this wedding was rushed and unexpected but there are still plenty of cameras and new reporters around in and outside the throne hall.

I could also see the young women most likely the daughters of powerful families, are in jealousy of Mina but what do I care, Mina didn't seem to notice them too.

We reached the throne and Mina's family specifically her mom and sister were sitting on the left side while grandmother and Tzuyu are on the right and their eyes were all watery.

Everyone settled now and Mina and I also sat before the throne too.

The royal priest started saying all the things about marriage now and did the rituals.

It was time for the wedding vows and exchanging of rings, Mina's mom went to her, "This was your father's ring, please be happy Mina-ya, I'm sure that's what he always wanted." she said to Mina and caressed her face, Mina sniffed and hugged her mom.

Grandmother also went to me, "As you know this was your mother's. Oh Chaeyoung-ah. you're all grown up now, take good care of her okay?" grandmother said while caressing my face and we also hugged each other.

I put the ring on her finger first and started saying the vow, "I, Son Chaeyoung, take thee, Park Minari, to be my wedded w-wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or for p-poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do u-us part." I said even if I am only saying this out of responsibility with no true feelings at all and I feel like I'm choking again.

She then looked at me with a worried face but managed to also speak, "I-I, Park Minari, take thee, Son Chaeyoung, to be my wedded wife, to h-have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for w-worse, for richer or for poorer, in s-sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do us part." as she also put the ring on my finger.

The priest asked me now, "Do you, Son Chaeyoung, take this woman to be your wife?"

A lot were attentively waiting for my answer some nodding, some smiling in excitement, and some, especially the young women are shaking their heads.

Mina's family and grandmother were in tears as well as also the other members of my royal family.

I'm under great pressure at this very moment as much as they think that it's very easy to say 'I do', it's actually very difficult especially if it's marrying someone you just met a week ago and don't know very much.

I shut my eyes tightly and took a deep breath, "I-I...I d-do." I stuttered and I felt a shiver down my spine.

Some started sighing in relief, some clapping, some started cheering, and of course, the young women are pouting and showing signs of disappointment or sadness.

Fated Queen | MiChaeng [G!P]✔Where stories live. Discover now