the breakup

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A/n: hello welcome to my first hawk/Eli moskowitz x reader one shot. I used the audio attached as a prompt. Its very angsty but I hope you enjoy! Oh also warning season 4 spoilers.

Song suggestion: Let her go covered by Jasmine Thompson

(Y/n) couldn't believe what she was hearing. Demetrius was in the hospital. And Eli. Eli put him there. Her sweet, shy Eli broke his best friends arm.

Eli had changed a lot, and at first (Y/n) was so proud of him. He gained confidence, and the bullying had finally come to an end. But there was one change that had caused major tension between the two. Aggression. Eli was angry all the time.

After hearing about Demetri, (Y/n) went straight to Eli's house. She knew it would just turn into another fight, but she couldn't let this one go. Not this time.

She timidly knocked on the door. For a moment, when Eli opened the door (Y/n) forgot why she was even there. In that same moment when Eli looked at (Y/n), she saw remorse in his eyes.

"Eli what were you thinking?" (Y/n) started.

Eli's eyes turned cold, "It's Hawk now."

"Why is this so hard? I don't want to fight all the time."

Eli's eyes softened slightly at this, "Then let's talk this through. I don't want to fight either."

He finally walked out on the porch shutting the front door.

"I dont think I can do this anymore." (Y/n) hated the look on his face when she said this. Pain and desperation.

"(Y/n) please-please don't do this," tears started to well up in his eyes.

"I can't date a bully."

"Just tell me. Do you love me?"

This broke (Y/n)'s heart, "Of course I do. I always will."

"Then don't do this."

"I have to."

Eli took a deep breath as a tear fell down his cheek.

"I love you," he choked out.

"Well, I love you too."

"More than I've ever loved anybody," he continued.

(Y/n) sighed taking a deep breath herself, "Well what if thats the only thing we have in common anymore?"

Eli sat on the front step head in hands. Not want to let (Y/n) see him cry. She sat next to him putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen Eli I need some time to thi-"

Eli interrupted "I think you know how you feel about me now. And I don't think time is gonna change that."

With that (Y/n) got up and left.


It was night time and Eli was walking. He wasn't sure where he was going. Just letting his feet take him, as his mind raced a thousand miles a minute.

She promised. She promised she would always be there for him. No matter what he was going through. Then she just bailed. How could she do that?

It had been a week since they spoke, and it was eating him up inside.

Before Eli knew it he looked up and he was at her house. He could see her through the window to her bedroom. The window he had climbed through a thousand times.

He wasn't sure what came over him, but he climbed up to her window. Tapping their secret knock just like he used to.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she opened the window.

"I don't know," he answered truthfully.

(Y/n) silently backed up letting him in. He climbed through and they both sat down on her bed. Looking at their feet in silence until (Y/n) finally broke it.

"Well was there something you wanted to say to me?"

"You gave up on me," Eli said head still down.

"Eli-" (Y/n) started before being interrupted.

"You PROMISED. You promised to be there for me. No matter what."

"Eli I still care about you. I'll always be there for you, but I can never forget what you did."

"NO!' Eli stopped himself realizing he was starting to get loud.

He took a deep breath before starting again, "You're the one that bailed on us. You're the one that ran the moment things got just a little rough."

"I think you should go."

"(Y/n) please I could-" this time it was (Y/n) interrupting him.

"It doesn't matter what you say or what you do... What happened with Demetri. It's just changed everything.'

Eli went to grab her hands, but she quickly pushed him away.

"I used to think of you as somebody that would never, ever, hurt me, ever."

"(Y/n) I wouldn't."

"I can't- you're a totally different person to me now," tears started to stream down her face.

Eli felt a tear spill out of his own eye as he said, "It's still me. And now we're in a tough spot again (Y/n). What do you want to do? How do you wanna handle it, huh? Do you wanna fight for us or do you wanna bail?"

"You should just go."

Out of desperation Eli leaned in planting his lips on hers for just a moment. She quickly pushed him off of her.

"You can't just kiss me and think you're gonna make it all go away. Okay? It doesn't work that way. It doesn't just make it better, okay?"

Eli looked in her eyes pleasingly before realizing it was useless. He fucked up. So he turned around and left the way he came.

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