Chapter 2

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I was too focused on the music that was playing that i didn't see that i already was in front of my house (the school was only 5 minutes away)

I silently put my bycicle behind the house so my dad can't destroy it and went in front of the door. Before i enter , i sigh loudly telling myself that its okay.

When i opened the door, i saw my dad waiting for me in front of the door, ready to beat me up.

"Wanna hear a good joke ? Your teacher called me questioning me because she thinks im abusing you" he says with gritted teeths.

"I mean she's not wrong tho" i thought in my head.

"You're changing school tomorrow you're gonna go to that rich ass Starlight High or wathever the name is" he told me and i was quite schoked.

"Huh but how am i gonna go there its like 3 hours from here !" I gasped standing there dumbfounded.

"I don't fucking care its your fault anyways now come here before you annoy me more !" He yelled and then took me by my collar.

"Here's a punishment for causing me trouble again !" My dad said before punching me on my face non-stop.

I just let him do whatever he wants with me cause i'm already used to it. He's doing this since i was in middle school , "doing this so you'really gonna be strong later" and guess what ?

I became a loser who is extremely shy and doesn't talk to anyone. I even love everything that's childish like puzzles and plushies. But i can say that I've got some muscles which helps me getting girls so i'm not complaining.

My dad always does that everytime i come home from school. First he's gonna punch me on my face a bunch of times then beats me up with a bat.

Its like a daily routine for me and i let him cause i don't really care and i probably deserve it anyways. After that i always go out with my bycicle eat something then go to my bestfriends house.

After seems like an hour he just stopped and sat on his couch turning the tv on and watching his football shit and i just left.

I plugged my earphones in and played TXT LO$ER LOVER and drove off to the ice cream store nearby.

Timeskip cause im too lazy duh

I went in line to order when i saw the person in front of me order the mint chocolate ice cream. How can anyone eat that shit tastes like toothpaste.

I love mint choco ice cream its my fav (ToT)

"Hey welcome to our shop what would you li-" the girl stopped and looked at my bloody face.

"Oh my gosh are you okay ?! It looks very painful i-" i cut her off.

"Its fine im okay could i get a strawberry ice cream ? Thanks" i told her then went to sit on one of the tables.

Before i sat down i saw 2 familiar faces smiling at me.

"Hyeju, jinsoul  whatchu doing here i thought yall hate crowded places" i said while sitting down.

"I wanted to wait for you at her house but she insisted on comming here cause she knows you always come here and since she was sooo worried about you" Jinsoul said whispering thr last part.

"That's not true i was just craving something and saw this store here" Hyeju said trying to hide her worried face.

"Yeah yeah but damn he really beat your beautiful face up" jinsoul said touching my face but i just smacked her hand.

"Your girlfriend wouldn't be so pleased to hear and see this if she were here" i said smirking.

"Got that on video High five !" Hyeju said while high fiving me.

"You bitch delete that right now !" Jinsoul exclaimed trying to fight hyeju but of course fails to do so.

"Enough fighting yall im transferring to Starlight high that rich ass highschool" i said making the 2 stop in their tracks.

"YOU'LL COME IN OUR HIGHSCOOL ?! REALLY ?!" Jinsoul almost yelled while the costumers glares at her.

"Here's your strawberry ice cream miss" interupted a long haired girl, smiling.

"Oh thank you....Choerry ?" I asked while taking the ice cream from the pretty girl.

"Yes and you're welcome have a great night !" The "Choerry" girl said before rushing behind the counter.

"Do you find her pretty ? Maybe she'll be another one of your fling" said hyeju smirking.

"Hey stop it i told you im over fucking with random girls !" i said maybe a little loud making some people burst out laughing.

"Let's go out of here before yall make me more embarrassed" jinsoul said sighing.

"As if playing with legos at your age isn't embarrassing" Hyeju mumbled running away before jinsoul smacks her.

"Bitch whats wrong with that !" I yelled chasing Hyeju until her house.

????? POV

"Hey you heard that ? She's going to transfer to our school" a girl with Bob hair smirked.

"Why are you looking at me like that i just said that she's pretty thats it !" A certain girl with pigtails pouted before going to clean the tables.

"Yeah yeah its not like you were drooling over her the entire time" the same Bob haired girl mumbled.

"Hey i heard that ! Bring your ass here middle schooler !" Miss Pigtails shouted.


"Girls stop fighting before i smack yall heads until you all can't think anymore" another Bob haired brunette exclaimed making the 2 girls stop in their tracks and clean the store silently.

"Yes boss !" They all shouted in unison maybe scaring a few customers away.

So the girl is going to come at our school , Starlight high ? Im so excited !! Im going to try and make her my friend and maybe even more !

Wait y'all didnt hear that from me okay ?

Sooyoung POV

"Lets give you a make over for your new day tomorrow ! You need to look all pretty and sexy !" jinsoul told me while treating my wounds.

"Bitch i can do that tomorrow plus i'm broke and only have hoodies and sweatpants" i said while scrolling on my phone.

"You can lend mine cause you're not going there in hoodie and sweatpants for your first day ! Youre gonna embarrass us !" Jinsoul said while searching through hyeju's closet

"You can stop looking for good clothes there i only have black ones" Hyeju said without even turning her back.

"Ugh why do yall have no taste its killing me !" Jinsoul said pouting.

"The real question is why do you even want so much colorful clothes it takes so much time to find perfect combination and its tiring" i told her jumping on hyeju's bed.

"If you break it you'll pay for it i dont fucking care" hyeju warned me which made even more frustated.

"What a day i have to endure tomorrow with those 2 dumbasses i hope i come out there alive" i mumble to myself before drifting off to sleep.

"HEY I HEARD THAT" they yelled in unison before smacking me.

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