Chapter Four: A Clashing of Swords

Start from the beginning



You can hear blood rushing to your ears. Trying not to panic, you make a mad dash to your desk. If your letters aren't there, you know someone (and by someone there's mostly ONE annoying person you'd suspect) must have mailed them.

Which would mean Ben got them. Oh please no—

But then the panic subsides as you see the pile of envelopes tied neatly in string. There they are, exactly where you left them.

But if no one mailed your letters, who sent this one to you?

Feeling the edges of reality blurring, you approach your mom slowly. "I'm going to call Dr. Simmons now," you tell her.

"What's wrong honey?" She must be happy that you're calling your therapist, but right now you know she's more confused than anything else. Well, she can join the club.


You think you see him one day. Coming out of the subway on 49th and Broadway. He's taller — still, not taller than you, but close. He's wrapped in a scarf, golden brown hair pushed back in messy waves, looking very much like a Burberry model as he slips into a crowded café.

 He's wrapped in a scarf, golden brown hair pushed back in messy waves, looking very much like a Burberry model as he slips into a crowded café

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You stand frozen in the middle of the street, New Yorkers sending you annoyed glances as they push past you.

Your hands tremble as you take out your phone to text Sammy.

<<I'm losing my mind. I really am>>

Sammy's name flashes on your phone as you answer it.

"What's wrong?" There's an urgency in her tone, and you're sorry for making her constantly worry.

"I just saw Ben enter a café fifteen yards from me."

"For real?!"

"Of course it's not actually him. Just my deluded mind."


"He's tall. Looking like a snack, by the way. I mean, who knew I had such an imagination."

You lean into a wall and collapse against it in a fit of giggles. You realize how insane you sound, even to yourself. Especially to yourself.

Sammy hesitates before saying, "Maybe you need to move on. Maybe you need to call that Tony guy and say you'll go to the dance with him. You need something real to latch on to right now, even if it's not exactly what you want."

There's some logic to what she's saying, but you just don't know if you could do it.


{My feelings for you are getting worse

It's funny because I don't even know when they started

Love Letters to the Lost: A Camp Cretaceous StoryWhere stories live. Discover now